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Girl, 5, Smokes Dope

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In all honusty i agree that these children should not be smoking pot and ciggarettes and drinking alcahol. My reasoning for this view is that these kids are too young to be making decisions for themselves. They still have parents or guardians who need to be responsible and do what is best for the children.

Another thought is in regards to 'CHONG' and his views... basically if we as pot smokers want to be taken seriously, we need to have our demands in order and not varying. Chong said that he would give pot to his children, while i think the majority of us believe that if it were to be legalised, it should only be available to persons 18 years and older.


Then again, it's just my 2cents



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Chong said that he would give pot to his children


That isn't exactly what I said. I didn't rule it out for the sake of pleasing the crowd but I didn't emphatically state it as something on my 'to do' list. Emotional topics like this rarely force any logical thinking on us. They demand cut and dried reactions and I'm sorry if I confused you by not throwing myself headlong onto the bandwagon. The trouble with meeting appeals for damnation with the prescribed response is that the response might be flawed. By giving unequivocable unconditional support to emotionally charged opinions you are painting yourself into a corner.


To agree with the notion of Pot being harmful to juveniles before knowing the true facts is to refute all cannabis medical research as bunkum. That puts the reform movement in an even weaker position than it is now. Propaganda wars are won in this fashion. How do you think the Hemp industry was destroyed? Newspapers wrote stories about cannabis turning youths into axe wielding maniacs who slaughtered their parents. Stories were published about teenage girls being brainwashed by this evil weed. People swallowed these stories hook line and sinker without any objection because that was the expected reaction and nobody wanted to be seen as questioning such 'commonsense". Ofcourse, the Government didn't give a damn about the mild narcotic effects of ganja. They just wanted everyone to accept without question that marijuana was evil. People did and differentiating between smokable pot and hemp was beyond this emotionally charged debate. It still is. Pretty clever really but not original.


Apparently this story about a 5 year old was started by a police reporter. The first stories defaming pot back in the 1930's were initiated by the FBI. So very little has changed has it. See this story for what it is. Whether true or not is really neither here nor there. Its been written for one purpose only. To promote public anger and associate that fear driven mass loathing with marijuana. Its simply more propaganda but this time they are attacking us from a new direction. Accepting it at face value is to agree that pot is harmful to youngsters and we don't really know that. Its a foot in the door for further attacks. Just wait and see.

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