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Need some help preserving a strain...

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Hey guys got a couple of questions im sure many of you will be able to answer for me

1.  I want to order Northern lights #5 x HAZE by sensi.... I Have some plans for some big outdoor trees off this strain in the following years but unsure on which route to take. I believe I have found a seed bank that will sell me the regular version. I have seen alot of feminised beans around but hardly any regular.I dont want to be reordering these seeds again in 5 years time. I want 500 + viable seeds to use of it..
Should I get the feminsed version and use the collidial silver method ? Would the next generation seeds be "f1" ? and would the smoke still be good?
Or should I get the regular.. Find the best male and cross it with the best female ? and just cull male plants every season? when I find them?... Would that still be considered f1 aswell? I dont plan to cross this strain whatssoever. All I want it just seeds without loosing its original potency.

2. I have some herijuana beans on there way. I also want to do the same method. They are noted to be "IBL". If I crossed a sister with a brother out of these seeds would it still be consindered "IBL" or would it be "IBL F1" ? The source of herijuana im getting has been IBL for 15 generations and backcrosssed every 3. Can someone explain on easy terms what this means? Should I be making femmed seeds with this or keeping it regular? Again, I dont want to loose potency...

3. Why does everyone say if you use collidial silver on a feminised seed plant. IE Super skunk. Why is the offspring feminsed seeds from that plant going to be loose potency? The only way to avoid this is to buy regular seeds and doing "ONE" big batch . Because if you do a second batch , it will be shit? . I would love thousands of femmed seed of super skunk!. It will save me time. And more effort been put into my grow! Not if there going to be shit potency .

So basically in all these three situations. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

Sorry if that sounds a bit hard to understand but I'm trying to work it out all out and my minds racing trying to work it all out.
Smoky :wacko:

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Lots of people swear by feminized seeds, personally I don't like them.  I think stressing a female plant to produce pollen using any method isn't ideal at all and the chances of producing hermie seeds considerably more likely than regular breeding.  Jurassic park taught us that nature always finds a way so its best to work with nature instead of trying to brute force it to your will.


As for the NL#5 x Haze (great strain btw) your best bet would be sprouting every seed you get and doing a seed run.  You're not likely to have hundreds of seeds to begin with so I would let all the males seed up the females to give you the greatest range of genetics to be passed on.  The F1 generation you begin with will be pretty stable compared to the F2 seeds you make which will put out almost every phenotype you can imagine.  Because of the massive range of phenotypes you can expect it would be best to start with as many genes as you can put into that generation.  It will make things slightly more difficult for you but it will give you a far better chance of finding something truly special.  Once you find the perfect plant for you its just a matter of letting it get seeded up and using those seeds to find a male to seed her up again.  This is how you make backcrossed (bx) seeds and the reason for doing so is to reduce genetic possibilities as each parent passed on 50% of the genetic material used to make seeds.  That means that the perfect F2 you start with will be 50/50, the F3 bx will be 75/25, the F4 bx will be 87.5/12.5, etc.  Those numbers will be different if you find a perfect specimin in the F1 generation you begin with, but the point is you will stabilize the strain making it very predictable.


The herijuana seeds are both inbreed line and backcrossed.  This means that they used the original F1s to make F2s and then let a male and female breed to make F3s.  They then got I'm guessing a male from the F3 generation and let it seed up the original F1 female.  I don't know why they would go down this path if the idea was simply stability as just backcrossing each succesive generation back to the original mother would do it considerably faster, but from the sounds of things thats how the strain was bred.


Making feminized seeds can be done a bunch of different ways, none of which is really any better than the other as they all result in the same thing, male flowers that produce pollen with two X chromosomes instead of an X and Y set.  Using this pollen shouldn't reduce a strains potency as it should simply result in feminized seeds, but nature does find a way and plants can go hermie at a higher rate than regular seeds.  I personally think that you would just be better making regular seeds and keeping a clone alive of your favourite superskunk that you can backcross to.  Once you have it pretty stable you will have the clone in seed form which will preserve the strain almost indefinitely.

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Doctor Who... maybe you should stick to time travelling and leave the botany to others.



1. Nl#5 x haze (as the name suggests) is an f1 hybrid. The first generation of seeds you will produce using nl#5xhaze plants as parents will be the f2 or segregating generation. The plants produced in the f2 will show wide variation of type and in this generation, it is unlikley that you will end up with many plants that actually resemble the parents.


To limit the variation when breeding from hybrids use ONE male to pollinate all the females.


2. I'm not familiar with Herijuana but if it is a true breeding strain it is simply a matter of choosing a pollinator and letting nautre take it's course.


3. I have heard of collodial silver being used but never actually seen anything that convinces me that this is a viable method. Professinal breeders of feminised seed use silver thiosulfate (Ag2S2O3) induce pollen bearing flowers on female plants. This is not the same as stressing a plant to produce flowers and does not lead to higher rates of hermaphrodites, neither does it lead to a drop in potency.

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Doctor Who... maybe you should stick to time travelling and leave the botany to others.



1. Nl#5 x haze (as the name suggests) is an f1 hybrid. The first generation of seeds you will produce using nl#5xhaze plants as parents will be the f2 or segregating generation. The plants produced in the f2 will show wide variation of type and in this generation, it is unlikley that you will end up with many plants that actually resemble the parents.


To limit the variation when breeding from hybrids use ONE male to pollinate all the females.

The reason I said to use all the males was to give a wider range of resulting phenos in the F2 generation due to the fact he would be starting with such a small number of seeds from the original hybrid.  He'll definitely come across a few good plants from the original 10 pack of seeds but the chances of finding a truly spectacular pheno are pretty slim.  Yes there will be more phenotypes created than using a single male, but that is the whole point.  It gives him a much better chance of finding that 1 in a 1000 pheno that suits him perfectly because he isn't limited to that single male like you suggested.  It might be harder but the payoff would be worth it.

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1. Nl#5 x haze (as the name suggests) is an f1 hybrid. The first generation of seeds you will produce using nl#5xhaze plants as parents will be the f2 or segregating generation. The plants produced in the f2 will show wide variation of type and in this generation, it is unlikley that you will end up with many plants that actually resemble the parents.


What I will do is get one male. to pollinate 4 females.  Ill probly have to buy at least 10 seeds. For saftey measures. Will there still be crazy traits if I Do it that way? The reason for this strain is because they get big and the smoke is good..  But I dont wanna be loosing out on yield etc. And I dont like dealing with big clones outdoors



2. I'm not familiar with Herijuana but if it is a true breeding strain it is simply a matter of choosing a pollinator and letting nautre take it's course.


It will continue to be IBL. I will do a seed run with this, Do you advise to let multiplate kind of males in the room pollinate all the females or select one male and many different females? Idea?? Need to keep an IBL going. Staying true to the herijuana IBL form???


3. I have heard of collodial silver being used but never actually seen anything that convinces me that this is a viable method. Professinal breeders of feminised seed use silver thiosulfate (Ag2S2O3) induce pollen bearing flowers on female plants. This is not the same as stressing a plant to produce flowers and does not lead to higher rates of hermaphrodites, neither does it lead to a drop in potency.


I will get a few superskunk seeds and choose "one female" to pollinate herself then put ANOTHER female next to her..  And the potency will be exactly the same?



thanks for clearing this up louise, appreciate it.

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