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Help! Decrepit Looking Plant...

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I have just started to grow in my mate's backyard. He just got some seeds from some good ganj we bought, planted them, and pretty much let the plant grow by itself - this is the first time we have attempted to grow our own. Anyway, I went away for a month and a half, and I came back expecting a large green lump of bud, and I was sorely disappointed. You can see the plant at this link. Anyway, it has been growing since the start of January, and this is as big as it has got. What are we doing wrong? We have put some OzMaCote fertilizer to feed it, and we water the plant every day.

NOTE: ever since I came back, I suggested that the plant be moved out of the place it originally was (where it was only getting around 6-8hrs sun a day), and it is now where it can get 10-15hrs sun a day, pretty much sunlight the whole day. This has resulted in a noticable increase in the growth rate of the plant over the past week.

Anyway, can anyone give us any tips on how to increase its yield, potency, and the time it takes to bud? And judging by the pictures, when do you think it will be ready to harvest? Also, if you have any suggestions to things that you think we should do to the plant to make it better, you advice is appreciated.


cheers, from chroniceles

BTW does the plant's strain look familier to anyone? I'm pretty sure its 80% sativa, 20% indica or something along those lines...

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haha yeah i know its not the ridiculous sea of green that I've seen from other people's crops, but nonetheless, its my first try, and I don't want to waste all the time and anticipation that has gone into growing it. So should I just leave it out in the maximum sun coverage area of the yard? When do you think I will be able to harvest it, i mean when do you think it will hit its peak? How much do you reckon I will get out of it, and will it be an ok smoke? sorry to ask so many questions but I just wanna get the most out of my decrepit plant, I don't wanna waste it.
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