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Women use cannabis 'to be social'

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Well said Lou.


I don't mind genuine research being done on negative consequences of cannabis use, balance and being informed are good things.  But, this sounds more like a dodgy poll than quality research.  So you ask a bunch of people wanting help to give up smoking weed (or people sent for rehab by the courts) why they started, they say "cause my friends/partner were doing it".  Good one Einstein, no-one knew that social interaction and peer pressure was responsible for people making decisions.  From that we get women are more likely to use cannabis to maintain social circles, inferring they don't enjoy it but end up either addicted or friendless.  I don't like the addiction references either, do I have a drug habit - yep, am I an addict - no.  I've had a brief alcohol addiction, and a longer nicotine addiction, I know the difference. 


Starting to rant (I get pissed off easy in the morning), so in summary, decision making based on peer pressure is a social issue, not the fault of cannabis, so why is supposed research making the link.

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Many thanks to Oz stoners, I'm getting very picky as to what sites I read my Mj news

Edited by VOSTOK
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So you ask a bunch of people wanting help to give up smoking weed (or people sent for rehab by the courts) why they started, they say "cause my friends/partner were doing it".  


That's what I've always said. Ask any junkie how they took their first smack shot and they'll tell you the tale of a "friend" who got them into it. 


Now you gotta ask yourself a question... what 'friend' gets their mate into that shit when they know the habit and situation it's caused them to be in?


Not many, if any.  Most drug addicts just want a friend to be in the same sitch so they have a companion, they don't give a shit about you or your health.


Therefore the stats are going to be skewed. There's not very many drug addicts that started taking their drug of choice alone, without anyone asking them to try it or stuff like that.


I didn't read the article, but from you guys are saying, it's definitely biased.


Then there's the Jan Copeland propaganda lol

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err addicted? and whats this abstinence bullshit.


stop everything else your doing, just smoke weed. Maybe occasionally find someone you like, shag their brains out...

grin like an idiot, and enjoy the rest of your life.

End of consultion; and its free, just like weed.

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