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15 workers at the Agnew gold mine

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Now there's word from Australia that "up to 15 workers at the Agnew gold mine in the Goldfields have been sacked and banned for life from every Barminco [company] project in the world after performing the Harlem Shake dance craze on site." The West Australian adds that "a dismissal letter shows Barminco considered the stunt a safety issue and a breach of its 'core values of safety, integrity and excellence.' "

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Sharpie, I'm gonna assume that you're grossly misunderstood in your actions. Otherwise i have no excuse for your latest posts.


In other news, anyone who performs (on the job) in such a short-lived fad that gains nothing but hilarity to your friends and netizens who know no better, deserves whatever their company throws at them. Not only does this gain no movement for the company but it wastes time in what is essentially something that has already died out.


I saw a "news" article yesterday about how the "harlem shake" is dying.


Well, no shit!


With the recent "Gangnam Style" fad, surely these people think they're going to be the next big thing somehow. As if appearing in an amateur youtube dance video is getting them somehwere other than hilarity among their peer group.


Sure, play it up for your friends, but does the rest of the world need to be exposed to the "hilarity" (see: embarrassment)?


Does the rest of the world need to be exposed to another bullshit news story about how some company is doing some made up fad by an experienced IM?


As much as it might be "fun", this story has its consequences. 


Maybe people will be more wary in participating in bullshit YouTube fads from people looking for more attention :)


Sidenote: nothing against you Skunkxxx, you're only the messenger :)

Edited by Cerberus
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 I have been waiting with bated breath for this day my friend, here's the mail, I never ever play games! Fumble aruond with technology yes! consequences? I suffer the consequences for my actions everyday. not into fads, attention I have all the attention I need. Cerberus, Gangnam style? and I thought you were a music man? If you were prompted by your love for music instead of your conditioned alarm bells to ring, you would have realized that some music is prophetic! but you won't see it. Are you the self appointed gatekeeper? Then what time is it Mr. Wolf? or do you have a following? You see everything I do is deliberate I like to draw out the crabs I seek no following! I was advised by someone I hold in greater esteem than yourself, to just be myself, I'm not going to change because of your little piss-ant jibes! I look after my own, my own looks after me! If you are the self appointed gatekeeper to hades, then I am the self appointed gatekeeper to Vallhalla, you see I don't dump on people just because I don't understand! On the surface you seem pretty liberal, you always contribute, you have all the right answers! but in the secret place, well you just ask too many questions!  Saw this coming man although you were a life line to me, a friend when I needed one although not knowing me from a bar of soap. funny how things turn out sometimes isn't it? :(



Happy days,




Edit* made up fad by IM? what company? I have know Idea what you are talking about

Edited by sharpie
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 I have been waiting with bated breath for this day my friend, here's the mail, I never ever play games! Fumble aruond with technology yes! consequences? I suffer the consequences for my actions everyday. not into fads, attention I have all the attention I need. Cerberus, Gangnam style? and I thought you were a music man? If you were prompted by your love for music instead of your conditioned alarm bells to ring, you would have realized that some music is prophetic! but you won't see it. Are you the self appointed gatekeeper? Then what time is it Mr. Wolf? or do you have a following? You see everything I do is deliberate I like to draw out the crabs I seek no following! I was advised by someone I hold in greater esteem than yourself, to just be myself, I'm not going to change because of your little piss-ant jibes! I look after my own, my own looks after me! If you are the self appointed gatekeeper to hades, then I am the self appointed gatekeeper to Vallhalla, you see I don't dump on people just because I don't understand! On the surface you seem pretty liberal, you always contribute, you have all the right answers! but in the secret place, well you just ask too many questions!  Saw this coming man although you were a life line to me, a friend when I needed one although not knowing me from a bar of soap. funny how things turn out sometimes isn't it? :(



Happy days,




Edit* made up fad by IM? what company? I have know Idea what you are talking about


Hold it back Sharpie, it was not a pointed stick in your direction by any means.


I merely aired a grievance that was posted after yours. (hence the apology to Sharpie and then the mention of the following "other news")


I know you've ruffled a few feathers around here but none of them are mine. :) Shit, I've ruffled a lot of feathers myself....


I was more wondering about your posts which seemed to be somewhat indecipherable in some ways :)


Peace man, one day we'll smoke a bowl in company and we'll wonder why people get so hung up on opinions....


....unitl then I'll sit here wondering how this crazy world continues to exist :D

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here is the latest mail. crazy world? everyday I grieve when I see what is going on in this crazy world! but I have trained myself to lift my eyes and look for good! Do you understand gang mentality?


They may look like they are performing for the aristocracy, but the oppressors have made a big mistake! they themselves have unified freedom, albeit under their own banner for their own agenda.


Gangnam Cerbo? youtube is only a vehicle for good stuff and bad stuff, chew up the meat and spit out the bones! In your very insinuating reply to my reply you have taken a very humanistic view, you never once mentioned the 15 involved, the 15 families, the impact on the local community.


The trouble with humanism is that it is all in your head, sometimes you just have to go on your gut feelings man. Like I've said before you are good value and you are valued!



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Sorry Cerbo, I misunderstood, I answered Dingo because I viewed it more as a human rights issue, not because of any gangnam. I couldn't for the life of me understand how it went to me personally from the OP, however for whatever reason most of my replies to any topic seem to go that way. 


I saw my name at the top of the page and read from there just seeing the whole lot as if it was directed at me. I have only just now realized what happened. Sorry for all the agression! I can only hope that the offer to share a bowl with you would still stand. :friends: ?

Edited by sharpie
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