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Excellent Brand Globes People Have Used


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Hello everyone,What are some good brands ?In the 1000 watt m/h range 400 600 hps range ?What are the sylvania globes like?sunmasters?very unreliable imo,Is it the lumens that i should be looking at?higher the lumens the better?What sort of globes are you stoners using and a 1out of 10 rating please :D thanks
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sontys are not a brand of light, that is its spectrum.

and a sonty agro plus doesnt exist, its either a sonty agro(400) or a sonty plus(600)


I personally also use sonty agros and sonty plus. But I stick with Phillips brands.

Edited by Ferenge420
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years ago all we had was philips son-t. they were good, nothing compared to now though...ive had a sunmaster 1k for ages, always used sunmaster lamps in it. i change them every 12 mths. gave 1 to a mate once, he pulled 2 crops from seed off it before getting a new one. my light used to run 12/12 continous for the whole year, probably near 3 years running. swapped cuttings for new seed now and then. i reckon they`re okay, even if others sneer at them, we`ve always got top results off of `em. basically if you stick with the brand names, you cant go wrong.



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