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Cannabis now a stroke risk

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Researchers believe their research of 160 stroke patients shows cannabis users are 2.3 times more likely to have a stroke than other patients.


The study of 160 stroke and mini-stroke victims, aged between 18 and 55, was presented to a stroke conference in Hawaii this week.


It showed they were 2.3 times more likely than other patients to have cannabis detected in urine tests.

But the association is confounded because all but one of the stroke patients who were cannabis users also used tobacco regularly.

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"Cannabis use may more than double the risk of stroke in young adults, say Auckland researchers, who are convinced it is the illegal drug, and not the tobacco the victims are also smoking, that is to blame.


But the association is confounded because all but one of the stroke patients who were cannabis users also used tobacco regularly. "


yup, that there is great science, farkin morons

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Could be a bit of truth in that .... just about every cannabis user I have come across leads a pretty sedentary life. That plus the people who have the time to do take part in these studies mostly don't work and sit around all day ... in this case smoking dope lol ....

Of course these are exactly type of people who are going to suffer strokes


>>>He hopes to conduct another study to determine whether there's an association between cannabis and stroke independent of tobacco use<<<

If they don't incorporate lifestyle into this then it's a total waste of time. 


You can do anything with statistics, especially in a case like this where the lifestyle of the participants is a contributing factor.


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Could be a bit of truth in that .... just about every cannabis user I have come across leads a pretty sedentary life. That plus the people who have the time to do take part in these studies mostly don't work and sit around all day ... in this case smoking dope lol ....

Of course these are exactly type of people who are going to suffer strokes


>>>He hopes to conduct another study to determine whether there's an association between cannabis and stroke independent of tobacco use<<<

If they don't incorporate lifestyle into this then it's a total waste of time. 


You can do anything with statistics, especially in a case like this where the lifestyle of the participants is a contributing factor.


if they were decent statisticians they would account for confounders and get a random sample..  but alas.. they are not,if the first study is anything to go off


Yes, you can manipulate stats to get the answer you want, but, if the rules are followed, stats are reliable..  just hard to get people to understand the importance of the rules. Usually more of a problem with busness stats than science, however, since buisness funds science, we have a problem

Edited by puka
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I cant believe that shit even got published .


My god to run a test to see if cannabis can raise the risk of stroke with a bunch of regular smokers ,smoking the most deadly  shit in the world  tobacco  . even a knuckle dragger like myself can see that is not science . I thought the idea to " test " something was to eliminate as many variables as possible to get a accurate result .


 Fuck i hope no one got paid to do this " Study" 

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