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How small is too small?

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Ive been reading 420fieds grows lately.........i am interested in hempy growing..


I remember hempy's bucket threads on Overgrow, and krusty's :) long time ago now, probably 15 year ago I think... anyway, it was actually the refill hole in the side of the self watering pot that prompted me to stick an airstone in there, it looked like it was meant for it, similar idea to a hempy bucket for sure though :)

An airstone in the bottom of any recirc type grow pot/container sends the roots nuts with growth, I've done similar with 60 litre pot, Hydroton grows, the trick is not to do it in summer... 22'C is about as warm as any deep water type grow can handle comfortably and with the air from an airstone warm to start with, not to mention the heat coming off the lamp I'd wait till winter to muck around with anything like that, unless you want to use an aquarium water chiller...


Those 4inch cubes the captain is using would suit a timed pump setup perhaps in a flood and drain table even, and would have to be seriously considered for a SeaOfGreen grow looking for maximum efficiency. The only reason we don't see a lot more of these type of grows, hundreds of stumpy flowered clones, is due to the penalties if caught with the high numbers required... imagine being caught with 500 x 1 foot high plants, you'd end up on Today Tonight branded with conspiracy to grow $2.5 million worth lol

Goes to show though what you can do once set up with 1 mother and a boxful of cloning cubes and why autoflowerers are a distant second choice when it comes to ongoing, quick flowering, bud production  :good:



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