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Cannabis For Labour Pain Relief



G'day all. My partner is a month away from giving birth to our first child. We've been attending hospital classes and learned about the usual pain relief option for labour recently. I was wonderiing if anyone here has used cannabis for pain relief/distraction during labour. The traditional options like epidurals, pethadine and nitrous all have their limitations and can be harmful to mother and baby. I'd happily take my electric vape to the birthing centre but I've been unable to find any reports on the topic apart from My Labor under the Influence at RxMarijuana. So has anyone heard of cannabis use in this context? I'd rather trust a natural herb that can be self -administered to any hospital drugs but my partner is concerned by the lack of anecdotal info on the topic. Any stories/web links appreciated. Thanks.
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G'day all. My partner is a month away from giving birth to our first child. We've been attending hospital classes  and learned about the usual pain relief option for labour  recently. I was wonderiing if anyone here has used cannabis for pain relief/distraction during labour. The traditional options like epidurals, pethadine and nitrous all have their limitations and can be harmful to mother and baby.  I'd happily take my electric vape to the birthing centre but I've been unable to find any reports on the topic apart from My Labor under the Influence at RxMarijuana. So has anyone heard of cannabis use in this context? I'd rather trust a natural herb that can be self -administered to any hospital drugs but my partner is concerned by the lack of anecdotal info on the topic. Any stories/web links appreciated. Thanks.

Hey Gruntus,


Not all labours are the same and my concern would be that you wife may not have a choice in whether she has other medication ie: If you wife were to be in labour too long and help was NEEDED ect ect ect .


If there is little research in this area, then you can't be sure what will happen when Mj reacts to other birth medications. IMO it would be a risk.


Sorry that's all i can offer, i have no experience to share.


Best Wishes for the Happy Day, :angry: LOOK AFTER YOUR MISSES :D



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mate there is very little danger in using painkillers during birth to mother or baby but I'm sure you can discuss that side of it with your doc. I doubt the birthing centre would allow you to administer MJ, cause if anything went wrong they could be in very deep shit even if the MJ didn't cause it. Their insurance company could hang them out to dry too.


Anyway clear everything with your doc and birthing centre staff prior. You don't want stress of not being sure what to do when baby wants to come out :D

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I have never heard about pot being harmful in pregnancy & my best friend smoked heavily throughout her pregnancy & even the morning she went to hospital :D hehe but i think theres nuthing wrong with it esecially if she is a normal stoner then she should smoke when shes about to pop if she wants, i think i will..... imagine being in all that pain & be hangin for a cone aswell ;) that would be horrible hehe :D

Cheers for that link Gruntus, a really good story :D


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Ta for the replies and links people.


chev: my partner is not a regular smoker and hasn't had any since pregnant. She's not opposed to using cannabis for labour pain relief but just wanted to be informed. That article was great and she is at least open to the idea of having a toke if the only alternative is pethadine.


FLOWER: of course I'll look after her; we always look after each other :D


If I find other relevant articles I'll post 'em here for future reference. Thanks again.

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LoveMeBucket: that link to Marijuana use in pregnancy damages kids' learning is pretty standard scare-mongering stuff. I fail to see how injecting rats with cannabinoids is relevant to humans ..


Melanie Dreher is a US doctor who has done the most comprehensive studies of the children of pot-smoking mothers I've come across and it concludes the exact opposite - that children of such mothers are usually better academically. Her full medical paper can be found online but Cannabis Culture has a few pages on her and her work :

Dr Melanie Dreher, reefer researcher

Ganja mothers, ganja babies


Dreher's studies found the opposite: ganja mothers were often better mothers than their non-ganja using counterparts. Their households were often cleaner, better-funded and more fun than those where cannabis was shunned!


I'd like to think that pot-smoking fathers are fun too. Less than two weeks to go .. scary .. :P

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Ok, an update. It's a girl .. 3.2kg/7'2lb born 2/4/2004 @ 2050. Everyone says she's cute but don't all baby's look the same ?



Babies only look the same to people who are not the parents. Bet when you look into her eyes................ she is spectacular....right? ;) .


Another Baby added to the Oz Stoners family, wow maybe it is the hormones ;)


Give my best to Mum ;) .



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