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Court rejects bid to have marijuana reclassified

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From an email from ASA

Dear Friend,

Today, the DC Court of Appeals issued their judgement in our historic ASA v DEAmedical cannabis rescheduling case with mixed results. In a 2-1 decision, the Court granted standing in the case -- the right to bring a claim against the federal government -- but denied the legal challenge on the merits, agreeing with the government's assertion that "adequate and well-controlled studies" on the medical efficacy of marijuana do not exist.
In repsonse, ASA intends to seek En Banc review by the full D.C. Circuit and, if necessary, take an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.. Your support for ASA’s legal work is making a difference, and and we thank you for making that possible! Please consider becoming a member of our Legal Support Team so we will have the resources to continue our fight.

As we all know, Congress can also end the federal conflict. That is why be holding our first annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference at the end of February in D.C. that will culminate in a citizen lobby day on Capitol Hill. Congress needs to hear from YOU!
Thanks to a generous donor we will be accepting applications for scholarships to the conference up until February 1st! Submit your application in time to ensure that your voice will be heard at the highest levels of government.


Steph Sherer
Executive Director

Edited by loves420
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