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Scotts Osmocote Rose & Gardenia soil mix?

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Would mixing it with garden lime bring it up far enough or would i be in a constant battle?


P.S. Thanks :)


EDIT: What would be a good soil mix i can get from Bunnings? I don't want to keep making the same mistake of growing in elcheapo potting mix :)


I expect you would have a bit of a battle on your hands, much easier to follow Franks suggestion, if you can't find the particular brand look for a mix suitable for tomatoes... that will have the right nutrient balance, micros and pH for cannabis.


If you are starting seeds, get a small bag of seed raising mixture (unfertilised) to begin with... if you start in a highly fertilised mixture you risk buring the roots off your seedlings.

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Thanks Louise & Frank :)


I put some of my early season girls to seed and germinated them straight away to get them going again for the summer season. I've picked the good ones and am now at the potting up stage.


This is always where things have turned bad. In hindsight, it has always been my tight ass potting mix purchases that have been the problem but i have been using the same genetics for about 5 years now and i guess they were used to Clarks Crazy Bargains potting mix lol. Results have not been terrible by any stretch of the imagination but could have been much better.


Different story this time though as i am using some Amsterbeans. I suppose i out to protect my investment this time instead of letting only the strongest survive.

Edited by Caffeine
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