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Does direct sunlight effect flowering?

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Hi guys


Apologies for the stupid title to this post but wasn't sure how to word the question succinctly. Basically I am growing one plant in my suburban backyard and my neighbours are close. When my baby flowers I am worried it might smell a bit and am thinking I might move it to a spot in my yard a bit further from the neighbours place.


However the spot I have picked out will maybe get an hour or two of direct sunlight a day. Obviously this isn't good, so my question is more how bad is it?


Cheers legends.

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I read a book once ...that may have said sunlight is good for plants ... maybe! as a guess sunlight has some effect on flowering what it is I can't remember,

however I'm positive the amount of darkness a plant has has a direct effect on flowering.


Place of few pots of stinky mint, etc around the Mj plant to conceal a few whiffs

Edited by VOSTOK
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Going back to my indoor growing days it was my understanding that it was the spectrum of the light that was critical for both vegetating and flowering stages of the plant, and is a bit different for each, the sun obviously has the full spectrum covered. The strength/volume of the light affects production rates, so a reduction in direct sunlight should lower yield, probably dependent on how dull the filtered sunlight is, but should not have too much impact on strength in my opinion. However, when I had a globe wear out and stop providing the complete spectrum for flowering I ended up with an entire crop going hermaphrodite before I realised what was going on.


It should be fine unless the time outside direct light is pure shade vs filtered sunlight, a few of my plants are in this situation and are doing pretty much as well as the others so far. I would agree with Vostok re putting a couple of smelly plants around it instead. Probably better off with it somewhere the neighbours can't see it even if they can stand in their back yard and catch a bit of a whiff. Best of luck

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One or two hours of direct sunlight won't give you happy plants. Just moving them now might trigger early flowering before there up to size. I'd leave her in as much direct sunlight as possible . In these next few weeks they should start to sex then flower.

If neighbours are a problem growing od isn't for you.

Goodluck it's a lovely time of the year for gardening and watching plants transform into bud producing machines.


Btw hi there

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