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Stunted Plants?

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Strain is DUTCH PASSION MAZAR. I cannot comment on this strain never grown it before. This has REALLY stumpt me.

There is 4 PLANTS wth all the same problem. One already died.



These were geminated 2 months ago. They got there first set. all was going good.

I transplanted from some small 5cm pots with seed rasing mix into 5L black pots.


My medium was washed perlite/with canna coco.

60% coco / 40% perlite.


I was hand with ph already adjusted mineral water "purea" , no fluriode, salts etc.


Second set of leaves came, and the first set started to die.

3 plants first set is still alive , 2 dont have a first set and only have there "second set".


I went out and bought a needed PH meter to see what the hell is going on.

Ph was adjusted to a steady 5.8. Hand watered for a week.

Last 4 days I have been giving a low dose of nutrient.

4mls per litre of some pussy strength canna variant.

No signs of further yellowing or growth.. Might be missing out this year its getting late!


Any ideas guys? Out of all my years of growing this is first time Ive come accross this stunting and first leafs of yellowing, I dont see any indication of what IF and how would it be caused.





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most of the crew will tell you that most canna at 2mls a ltr will give around 1.4ec. it could be a lower 'pissy' dose..... now ... with coco when the medium dries out ... (like when you feed only a mere 2 times week indoors ...) you are going to see Nitrogen deficiencies immediately indoors, the plant can only absorb nutrients from the medium when its wet and the plants are under hid lighting in their vegetative period !!!! Coco should stay moist UNLESS you are experienced and care to fuck around with dosing your plants at higher strengths to maintain nutrition without continual feeds, this can be accomplished though and the lazy coco grower amongst us knows all about this. When you dry out the medium the plants metabolism also increases as the plant attempts to sequester more nutrients from the medium when the next watering occurs (survival mechanism). Also note coco is a somewhat inert medium. constant strong doses fed to a small plant in a small pot will increase acidity in the medium and by the end of the week you'll likely need to flush the medium with a weaker solution or simply feed weaker solutions once a week (or so..) to maintain lower acidity levels within medium. You will understand this when you test your run-off with a 800ppm solution to identify whether or not there are any likely ph issues or issues with the medium or plant. You have a ph pen and ec truncheon ?



Edited by ind00rcultiv8r
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