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Oldy but Goody: Uncovering a 2,700-Year-Old Stash

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Although this may have been posted before I'm seeking a followup, comes from a release of 2008, would be interesting to find the thc content of the plants grown from the discovered seeds, great read for the BLAZZZED!...lol



USA ver: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/slideshows/marijuana-stash.html



Uk ver: http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org/content/59/15/4171.full



Vostok blazed ver: http://hlhh.ru/tag/journal-of-experimental-botany/

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The Oxford study indicates the plants had a higher THC content than CBD/CBN which points to not only specific selection/cultivation methods but cultivation for 'divinatory' and 'sharmanistic' purposes.... wikid! Also mixed in with all that reading I thought I understood that an unknown gene code was observed, could it have been an even trippier variant of high THC producing plants?... possibly :)

I see they tried to germinate 100 seeds without success unfortunately, imagine the price those cuttings would fetch these days!

Thanks for those links Vostok.

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Oh Man,! do some sort of recombinant DNA on those beans!!

I hope they didnt soak them all!

And I particularly liked the part wear it said'

It's not known if the MJ was intended for Medicinal or Sharmanic perpose.

Hehe, FMD how non comital con you be...

Old mate was buried with some domestic necesities, and a bowl chopped good to go.

An a very large stash stored with him.

Old mate expected to survive death, a sharman has no trouble accepting that there is a spiritual domention that we simultaneously inhabit now. and full cross over to when we 'die'.

Its faily clear to me that the first thing this sharman wanted to do was have a smoke when he woke up on the other side.

And he expected to be able to do that again and again. I'll bet he grew a stash esp for his journey on the other side.

Im still crying about those beans, A blond blue eyes ancient man that liked to smoke...

not a lot has changed hey.

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2700 year old beanz didn't crack and 25% of the beanz I just bought didn't either, WE the growers have got to work on that, for the first time in 28 years I decided to buy in my beans for clean stock, when I could have been better of just doing the same "O" same, and breed my own ...bit pissed with that!
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2700 year old beanz didn't crack and 25% of the beanz I just bought didn't either, WE the growers have got to work on that, for the first time in 28 years I decided to buy in my beans for clean stock, when I could have been better of just doing the same "O" same, and breed my own ...bit pissed with that!

yeah thats really not very good. How large was the order?

Usually to get any real idea of something you need to repeat it 20 times, so 20 beans would be a minimum sized run.

2% variability is the expected norm in science at ten fold increace on that would need to be explained OR its the door!

However they are organic and their are many variables. many of which can affect viability.

Edited by iTiC
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