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When To Plant

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hey i live in northeastern us like around PA (pennsylvania) when should i plant my seeds? should i plant them after the last frost? theres also little flowers growing in this area now? but there is more snow expected...some people say wait till the 1st week of june but i think that might be a little late because i dont know when it will finish up...what should i do?
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Guest Wilderbud

If you have a short grow season then you can transplant sexed [indoor] clones outdoors just after the frost has gone. Fluorescent lights can give you an early start to the season.


How short is the grow season for you? You might NEED a particular strain if its less than 6 months.

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well if you go to to this site

it tells you that the last frost is april 20th but ive talked to people who live in ohio and plant around the 1st week of june but i havent a clue but yea it starts to get chilly in october...im not sure check this site out...


go there and then click gardening in the yellow oval things then scroll down to charts tables and click it then clikc frost charts USA and look at carlise PA

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That's a damn short season. Less than 6 months. Go for short flowering strains, indica dom, and yeah, get as much seedling growth done under lights indoors before the frosts finish in your area.


Yeah, this is an aussie forum, so we're unlikely to know much about the growing in your area, we're a completely different climate to you. Do you by any chance know your USDA temp zone? like zone 1234567891011 or 12? Most of oz is zone 9, with minimum temps just under 0. But a substantial proportion on the US is below zone 8, which means the temps regularly drop below -7 in winters, perhaps even lower.


MJ needs a good amount of sunlight and warmth to grow, it is completely frost intolerant. Not hardy at all at low temps, so you'll want to grow the seedlings as far ahead as possible before the growing season outdoors.


That said, you may just be far better off growing indoors full stop. No frosts indoors. :D


Hope that helps mate.

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