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Terror Fears Hand Police More Power

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EXTRAORDINARY powers are set to be given to Queensland police and the Crime and Misconduct Commission as they seek to overcome the threat of terrorism.

The Beattie Government has been asked to allow the crime fighters to raid premises without a warrant and conduct surveillance on premises instead of a suspect if they believe a terrorist act is being planned.


The Labor-dominated Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee, in its three-yearly review of the CMC, said terrorists should be given less freedom than other criminals.


"Terrorist acts are removed from the level of ordinary criminal offences by the nature of their immediate and devastating effects in terms of destruction of property and loss of human life," the committee said in a report tabled in Parliament yesterday.


"This potentiality does provide the necessary impetus to ensure that law enforcement agencies are adequately equipped to investigate terrorism-related offences."


Emergency covert search warrants could be authorised by a senior police officer or the CMC chairman if they were convinced terrorism was involved. They would seek retrospective court approval within 48 hours.


Premier Peter Beattie is considering the recommendations but is expected to respond favourably given civil libertarians have already accepted the need for greater powers to deal with terrorism.


But Mr Beattie yesterday downplayed the need for police and the CMC to be given telephone-tapping powers, saying the Government was still "worried about civil libertarian issues, individual rights".


His comments came as Cabinet signed off on a regime which would allow state and territory police to take their covert operations across borders without seeking permission.


"One of our difficulties has been that state borders have been the greatest friend that organised crime has had," Mr Beattie said.


"We are breaking it down to fight organised crime across state borders."


Under the model approved by Queensland, covert police would no longer have to seek approvals from interstate authorities to lawfully commit offences to gain evidence of serious crime, or to continue monitoring suspects with surveillance devices.


Undercover officers will also be able to continue the use of an assumed identity without interstate approval.


The laws, expected to be adopted by other states and territories, also will allow covert operators on interstate assignment to have their identity protected in court.


The new regime will be finalised at a meeting later this week and in force by the end of the year.


Attorney-General Rod Welford said he expected some debate over the right of judges to be told the identity of covert operatives to examine any conflict of interests.


He recommended that other states adopt the Queensland system where the initiation of covert operations was overseen by a high-level committee.


That committee includes the police commissioner, CMC chairman, a Supreme Court judge and the Public Interest Monitor, usually an independent lawyer.


"That system of accountability doesn't operate in any other state in Australia," Mr Welford said.


"At the forthcoming standing committee of Attorneys-General I'll be further canvassing the adoption of that system as part of this national investigative powers."


Terrorism prompts call for more CMC powers


The Courier-Mail


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Under the model approved by Queensland, covert police would no longer have to seek approvals from interstate authorities to lawfully commit offences to gain evidence of serious crime...


In other words the cops can break the law and get away with it. I don't see that would be any change from the current situation. :D


If this happens I am seriously going to consider going interstate. What is the definition of a terrorist? In the Governments eyes anyone who disagrees with the way they do things. A pot grower could be called a terrorist. The mere fact that he is breaking the law gives them sufficient cause to investigate whether he has ties to fucking Al Qaeda. Hey, those terrorists have to get money from somewhere right. Illicit drugs are one option. It only takes a high ranking pig to approve wire taps and email hacking under this fucked up law.


Imagine what the cops are thinking.


Oh dear, he's not a terrorist after all? Doesn't matter. We can't use the evidence of drug use in his private personal messages directly against him, but we know what he is doing, so we can catch him in the act and bust him for growing. Ha ha ha.


Cunts. Sure as shit, they will abuse their powers if they get the chance.

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Yet again the government fights "terrorism" by removing our civil liberties. I heard little Johnny saying the other day that terrorists hate us because of our free society.


Bull crap! The terrorists hate us because our governments keep oppressing the poor of the world and inflicting injustices all over the place.


But to get back on topic, with the governments coming up with these new powers for themselves, they claim that they will only be used for terrorism. That's great, if you believe it, and it might even be true. But a government one day will use it against a non-terrorist threat and that will then become a precedent to keep doing it in the future.


Letting the government get away with this crap will cost us in the long run, I'm sure of it.

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I actually supported the attack on Iraq. Not because of weapons of mass destruction but simply to oust that bloodthirsty cunt Saddam. I'd feel the same about any leader who massacres his people in the name of maintaining power over them. That nuclear threat may very well have been real but who gives a shit. Israel has 400 UNOFFICIAL nukes that everyone in office denies but everyone with even half a brain knows are there. How come the US doesn't attack Israel? Obviously because Jews run the US. They practically own all the money and by virtue of that have the politicians in their pockets.


Why not attack N.Korea? Because they can fight back and last time the US tried they got their asses kicked.


Why not India or Pakistan? Because China would get really pissed.


Nuclear proliferation is inevitable. Always has been. You can't uninvent the bomb or control the spread of its technology. I've been saying that for years. Long before N.Korea stepped away from the table. Long before the recent ruckus about Pakistan selling secrets. Even before they and India built the bomb. With countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran now suspected of having the bomb the rogue states outnumber the official members of the nuclear club. Thats the ones we know about. I expect the true figure is much higher. Why wouldn't any military in the world want the most devastating weapon available? Those bleeding heart utopian peacenik anti-proliferation twats really have their heads shoved firmly up their arses. The only thing that will ever persuade the world to give up on building nukes is a cheaper more devastating alternative. All the nuclear treaties ever did was drive research underground. Nuclear terrorism is the greatest threat facing the west today and it won't be a missile that attacks us but a nuclear car bomb. There are nukes small enough to fit inside rucksacks. They've been around since WW2.


I agree that we now have to give up some freedom for security but it should never have come to this. What the fuck are the Jews doing in the middle east anyway? What right did they have to get given a nation? Can I have one. Hey, I'm oppressed! I smoke pot and am victimised for it. Give ME a country in the middle east! Thats the main source of trouble. The Arabs don't fucking want the bastards. There has been nothing but death and war since they were handed Israel and the neighbours are sick of the US interfering. Give them back Israel and leave our fucking emails alone I say.

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You are simplifying chong. The "jews" don't run the world, and the more you claim they do the sillier you sound.


Money, full stop. And whomever has it. That's what runs the world. Mate, I don't like what the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT is doing, with the tacit support of the United states militarily and economically. But I don't confuse that with a Jewish Conspiracy..... 'Tis a quick slope from generalisation of a people to their denegration, and then to their sub-humanisation.


BTW, I personally think that the creation of Israel in the 40's was bullshit too, and I disagree most vehemently with just about every descision the Israeli government have made in the intifada, not to mention the governments actions over the past 50 or more years... but doesn't mean I think they're anything more than yet another ethnic group with a shitty hairdo and a particularly popular piece of real estate. It's individual people who make descisions about these things, whether they're jewish, pakistani, palestinian, australian, american, whatever, is irrelevant really.


IMHO, Don't be terribly surprised if your racist, and rather confused, rant is moved to the BR chong.

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Here we go. I say something negative about Israel and suggest Jews have a lot of clout in US politics and automatically get called a racist. I'm disapointed in you Luke. The Government calls you a depraved drug addict comitting crimes against society. Thats bullshit and so are your allegations against me. I have nothing against Jews. I enjoy watching Seinfeld as much as the next guy.


You are simplifying chong. The "jews" don't run the world, and the more you claim they do the sillier you sound.


Money, full stop. And whomever has it. That's what runs the world.


Isn't that exactly what I just said. Money runs the World. Right. And who has more money than most others. The Jews. We might all be equal but some of us are a little more equal than others mate. Hey, they all worked hard to get wealthy. And sure they had a bad time of it 60 fucking years ago. In fact people have hated them for thousands of years. We all feel a little envious of successful people with nice cars and houses. Tall poppy syndrome.


Its when they push their politics on us that I get pissed. Why in the fuck should they be allowed to buy off our politicians and get western soldiers killed in the name of protecting Israel? A state which by all rights shouldn't even fucking exist. I'm not going to tiptoe around the fuckers just because their jewish. They send missiles into Palestinian homes killing women and children. Palestinians strap bombs onto themselves and climb aboard buses to kill as many Jews as possible. The US protects Israel and are just as unwelcome as the Jews. Al Qaeda crashes planes into the Pentagon and World Trade Centre to get the message across. Fuck Israel. We don't owe them a fucking thing. They got themselves into this shit. Let them get themselves out of it. We've lost enough freedom on their account.

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Spain is pulling out and if labour wins the upcoming election here, we'll soon be following suit. I think Israel knows the world is gradually tiring of their bullshit. The US has lost a lot of friends too.


We are kind of caught in the middle because although most of us couldn't give a toss about the middle east, the US does, and we rely on them to protect us from asia. N.Korea could nuke us if the US wasn't around to nuke them back. Indonesia has enough troops to walk right over us. Same goes for China. This is a very volatile region so we have to stay on America's good side.


It might be different if we had nukes. Unfortunately we can't withdraw from the nuclear proliferation treaty because the US would cry. Its ok for them to have nukes but we can't. The whole point of the treaty was for everyone without the bomb to stop trying to aquire it and those with the bomb to disarm. Well, thats a crock of shit. Utterly impossible. The US and other club members will never give away their nuclear weapons and everybody else is still trying to get them. We are supposed to be good little children and set an example for all those naughty rogue states. Who, incidentally are laughing their heads off at us.


The first A-Bomb was 1940's tech. Nearly all the nuclear nations aquired the know-how independantly. Its only a matter of time now before proliferation takes off at a gallop. We should be preparing for the inevitable rather than putting all our efforts into holding back the tide.

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we dont have to suck up or tip toe around anyone. We dont even need much protection really, i cant see any nuclear attacks coming our way. Its looking over at your neighbors and thinking that they are out to get you that starts the first movements towards war when really other countries are just a group of dudes that speak another language doin the same shit as us.


most tension between nations is just personal bullshit from government heads.

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Just curious mate. Are you Anglo-Saxon or Aboriginal. The natives used to think the same thing.


You can't see any nukes coming our way? Thats because they aren't being constructed in your backyard and by the time you did see one you would have maybe 10 seconds to live. If you're lucky that is. China has thousands. Well within range.


Its looking over at your neighbors and thinking that they are out to get you that starts the first movements towards war when really other countries are just a group of dudes that speak another language doin the same shit as us.


Most of us are fat lazy dudes content to let each day drift by and mind our own buisness. Unfortunately theres that one in every crowd who isn't content and wants what his neighbour has. Selfish eh? These developing nations and dying empires should be satisfied to watch us enjoying our wealth right. Theres just no accounting for some people.


War has been around as long as life on earth and it will still be around well into the distant future. As long as intelligent life exists, can disagree and fight for its freedom.


The world is a big chessboard with everyone positioning themselves constantly. Alliances are made and broken as the political scene rumbles and churns to the dictates of the wealthy and downtrodden. Its fueled by bullshit mate. Without bullshit the whole world would grind to a halt. Politicians are out for themselves but who put them in office? The system is bullshit. The media is bullshit. Aren't we full of shit for telling ourselves any politics is better than another. As long as people are running the show its always going to be corrupt.


ASIO closely watches the CIA and they watch us with equal suspicion mate. Thats a fact. No alliance is concrete.


Al Qaeda could be planting nukes in every major US city as we type. All set to go off together and set America back about a century. Where would that leave us? Vulnerable as all fuck and surrounded by an overwhelming host of hungry neighbours.

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