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Thanks for the hash tip i was thinking similar never mind it'll go. Got some more pics . Boiling root mass was useless now i've been there done that. As for the root mass i was pretty impressed i did lots of damage watering n tipping it out so i'm inclined to think the wound on trunk was the entry point for whatever, i'm also wondering bout nematodes they're the major culprit here.

Cool MT got a nice one coming on outside n indoors working ok so it's all good. I'm continually adjusting my attitude :bonghit:

cheers enjoy :gardening:




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I've had something similar, day 2 of 12/12 she just decided to wilt like crazy! Leaves beautiful and green, roots healthy still but the whole plant looks like some one dumped a bucket of water over it! The odd thing is the plant next to it in the same dwc is thriving!


I read somewhere that this can just happen, its rare but they can just commit suicide.


Sorry for the thread jacking if I am... I can't see the pics so it sounds similar.....


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Hey MT :) I've read across a few boards of this happening and no one knows why... On one board they coined it SPDS - Sudden Plant Death Syndrome.


I'm thinking heat may have something to do with it while under the stress of being flipped to 12/12 as its been rather hot here lately. She is a indica and the one not affected is a sati, so perhaps its that? Genetics??

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