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Justin Bieber snapped smoking marijuana?

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I swear I've said this before but I can't lookup my posts for some reason...


I saw this TMZ article this morning and this paragraph made me laugh:


"The pics were snapped on January 2nd -- the day after a paparazzo was killed while trying to take photos of Bieber's Ferrari -- and it's pretty obvious ... Bieber wasn't feeling too bad about the whole situation." (just in case you missed it :D)


Why is JB supposed to feel sorry for a random "paparazzo" that's part of a group of people who follow and annoy famous people constantly?


These TMZ jerks need to wake up to themselves. They obviously think they're way more important than they are.

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if everyone just stopped reading, watching and talking about TMZ / paparazzi bullshit they wouldnt exist - people have only their selves to blame


tell that to the millions of people who buy the gossip magazines.


Unfortunately for the rest of us, shit like this pops up in the "real news" sections sometimes

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