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Cameron rejects calls to make cannabis legal

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Ah... the lie. 'Jus give 'em enough to Think they are free. Our education system and marketing devices have dumbed down the populace in this regard-this medium, the internet is double edged. It can perpetuate myths and illusions or... Truths. Unfortunately the lure of the advertisers and propagandists are getting through to our non-thinking population. Sorry, got away from me there, but thats the state of affairs the way I see it. its going to be okay.


Peace to you all. v :sun:

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Ah... the lie. 'Jus give 'em enough to Think they are free. Our education system and marketing devices have dumbed down the populace in this regard-this medium, the internet is double edged. It can perpetuate myths and illusions or... Truths. Unfortunately the lure of the advertisers and propagandists are getting through to our non-thinking population. Sorry, got away from me there, but thats the state of affairs the way I see it. its going to be okay.


Peace to you all. v :sun:


The only real freedom under capitalism is the freedom starve. Everything else is an illusion.

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