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Medical Cannabis Descrimination

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G'Day all from Australia. I am a 24 year old Cannabis consumer and Cataplexy sufferer. (Cataplexy is a complex neurological sieizure/paralysis disorder). I tried the pills the docs. gave me for my neurological problem (seizures, nightmares, tremors, paralysis....nasty stuff) and it didn't help. The only thing I find helps is the NATURAL Cannabis herb....a panacea as far as I am concerned as it can control all these symptoms (as well as the many others that exist today) and takes the place of all the pills, potions that the docs give out....sorry deal out! Myself, I would have to take sleeping pills, stimulants, anti-depressants, analgesics and yes...they're even thinking of giving us Cataplectics GHB or Xyrem which are all known killers! 10,000 people a year die in Australia alone from prescription pills. Far more in the USA & the UK it seems. Isn't it time we removed the side-effects from our lives, whether they be mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or even the new 'curse' POLITICAL. More people suffer from Political oppression and suppression than all the others. Just look at the stats. Revenue is their addiction, Power is their drug of choice. They get a choice, we don't. This is 'Democracy' at work, politicking and partying, putting out 4 year surveys to trial something that has been proven to work for thousands of years. The big Pharmas get richer and the poor farmers get poorer. In the middle of this big, political, revenue raising, couldn't care less about sufferer's, Drug War it's always the innocents that get hurt. History has taught us this from experience. It's time to arrest suffer-ing, not arrest or fine (depending on which country a Cannabis user is in) suffer-ers. I have written a book called "Cataplexy 2004 My Personal Cannabis Odyssey". If you want more info. on this book write to cannaplexy@yahoo.com and I will send you the info. The book is not only information about Cataplexy, it covers a wide variety of issues relating to the Cannabis debate. To brew or not to brew, that is the question. Politics tells us we can't, we say we can. It's our Democratic right as human beings.
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G'Day all from Australia. I am a 24 year old Cannabis consumer and Cataplexy sufferer. (Cataplexy is a complex neurological sieizure/paralysis disorder).  I tried the pills the docs. gave me for my neurological problem (seizures, nightmares, tremors, paralysis....nasty stuff) and it didn't help. The only thing I find helps is the NATURAL Cannabis herb....a panacea as far as I am concerned as it can control all these symptoms (as well as the many others that exist today) and takes the place of all the pills, potions that the docs give out....sorry deal out!  Myself, I would have to take sleeping pills, stimulants, anti-depressants, analgesics and yes...they're even thinking of giving us Cataplectics GHB or Xyrem which are all known killers! 10,000 people a year die in Australia alone from prescription pills. Far more in the USA & the UK it seems. Isn't it time we removed the side-effects from our lives, whether they be mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or even the new 'curse' POLITICAL. More people suffer from Political oppression and suppression than all the others. Just look at the stats. Revenue is their addiction, Power is their drug of choice. They get a choice, we don't. This is 'Democracy' at work, politicking and partying, putting out 4 year surveys to trial something that has been proven to work for thousands of years. The big Pharmas get richer and the poor farmers get poorer. In the middle of this big, political, revenue raising, couldn't care less about sufferer's, Drug War it's always the innocents that get hurt. History has taught us this from experience.  It's time to arrest suffer-ing, not arrest or fine (depending on which country a Cannabis user is in) suffer-ers. I have  written a book called "Cataplexy 2004 My Personal Cannabis Odyssey". If you want more info. on this book write to  cannaplexy@yahoo.com  and I will send you the info. The book is not only information about Cataplexy, it covers a wide variety of issues relating to the Cannabis debate. To brew or not to brew, that is the question. Politics tells us we can't, we say we can. It's our Democratic right as human beings.

lol G'day jean from the u k

i too am a medical and recreational user of mj although i am a lot older than you. i have arthritis amongst other things and i find that good, pure, organic weed is the answer to my needs. my brother has ms, since his last attack, about 2 years ago we have been growing enough to keep us both healthy. my brother has even returned to work as a painter and dec. i really enjoyed your lucid and well argued post and i will keep a lookout for any others you post.

good luck with the book. if you do decide to get ozstoners permission to advertise it, it might be interesting to do a post about how easy/hard it was to do it and how you felt you were dealt with.

*edited * lol


TTFN lol

Edited by Luke Skywalker
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Hi Jean, your post was an interesting read. I'm also a medicinal user, for raynaud's phenomenon and rhuematism. I'm closer to your age, 22 lol

I don't think Oz will mind about your book, as long as you pm him to ask permission. Advertising isn't allowed on the boards unless you get the thumbs up from him lol

Edited by Chev
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