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Human Test Subjects and Cannabis

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I've been undertaking some human testing of cannabis strains over the past few days - granted this is no way scientific, legal, nor ethical.


I'm really liking my Maui Waui strain, the high is energising and makes me want to do stuff.

To see if I was imagining the energising effects, I switched my hubby's usual indica dom strain (Wonder Woman) with the 70%sativa Maui Waui. He has no idea I've done this and says one strain is as good as the next, and no, he doesn't even notice the different taste of the canna...


Day 1 - he had a few cones after work and then OMG, he got up and does the lawn - that's a first

Day 2 - once again a few Maui cones after work and bam-o he won't stop talking, pretending to be interested was not that easy...

Day 3 - decided to switch back to Wonder Woman for the night - he couch potato'd all night

Day 4 - gave him the Maui Waui again, I went to the shops, came back and he was covered in sweat from working in the yard- hhjj...


So my very non-scientific test does show that the Maui Waui is an energising strain, well at least when compared to Wonder Woman.

I'm going to keep this up for another few days see what I can get out of him. lol



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I'm with you Louise, he will know nothing, why ruin my fun?


I feel like a mad scientist, controlling my subject through cannabis (and I really like it).

Need him to do do work? I'll grab the Maui Waui. Afternoon delight? yup, Maui

Now if there was a canna strain for doing the dished and cleaning the toilets (anyone?).


Tho I am waiting for a 'I'm not getting high anymore' from him (high being stoned).

I'm also wishing I had a good Mexican Sativa (couldn't get the El Dorado to germ)...


Haven't decided what to medicate him with today, still have a few hours to think about it - couch potato or work around the house


:mad scientist scowl:

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