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NSW parliamentary inquiry into medical cannabis - due Feb 15



I thought contributors to this part of OZStoners would be very interested in this inquiry. Here is a quote from NSW parliament media release:


On 22 November 2012, the NSW Legislative Council referred an Inquiry into the medical use of cannabis to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4. The Committee, chaired by the Hon Sarah Mitchell MLC of The Nationals, includes representatives of the Australian Labor Party, the Greens and the Liberal Party.


The motion to refer the Inquiry to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4 was put forward by Labor member the Hon Luke Foley MLC, and was agreed to without opposition from Council members.


The Committee Chair, Mrs Mitchell said, 'The Committee will be examining the safety and efficacy of cannabis for medical purposes as well as considering if and how cannabis should be supplied for medical use. In addition, the Inquiry will investigate the legal implications of cannabis use for medical purposes, as well as any other related issues.'


'There is a diverse collection of views held on this issue by the community, and the Committee wishes to hear from the widest possible range of stakeholders.'


Submissions are now being called for by the Committee from interested organisations and individuals. The closing date for submissions in Friday 15 February 2013.


The Committee will to hold two Sydney hearings, in March 2013. Detailed information about the dates and times of these hearings will be advertised on the Committee website following the closing date for submissions. The Committee is scheduled to report to the House by 14 May 2013.


For further information about the Inquiry, including its terms of reference, and for more on how to make a submission, please visit the Committee's website at: www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/gpsc4, or call the Committee Secretariat on (02) 9230 3081


Click here to lodge your submission - before 15 Feb 2013!


And if you haven't already, you can also complete our anonymous study of Australian cannabis growers. We will be using this information to make an official submission to the inquiry so this is another way you can have your voice heard.

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Wow! Sounds like the parliamentary group are leaning towards a medical cannabis solution. We will see what the final report does!


Monica  If/When the laws are changed to allow medicinal use do you think it will only be pharmaceutical versions that are available or natural forms as well?


Any other thoughts or observations you might like to share about the inquiry?




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If you read nothing else ... read DR ANDREW KATELARIS's interview, starts on page 58 - a few classic lines... including calling people liars, lol  I think I'm in love..


and Jan "whaddaya mean I need proof to backup my statements" Copeland -  is called a 'professor' :face plant:


I have just read the entire transcript  ... Looks very positive, we're going to get medical cannabis :)

Edited by Matanuska Thunder
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If you read nothing else ... read DR ANDREW KATELARIS's interview, starts on page 58 - a few classic lines... including calling people liars, lol I think I'm in love..


and Jan "whaddaya mean I need proof to backup my statements" Copeland - is called a 'professor' :face plant:


I have just read the entire transcript ... Looks very positive, we're going to get medical cannabis :)

Its got be fucked why a pshycologist is researching outside her field, I refer to her indicating that she has done research into cbd and thcv, surely this is a subject someone with a science degree should be studying. Futhermore, JC indicated her research consisted mainly of literature review , as a professor in her field I would have expected more primary research completed by her and her team, by that I don't mean reading other peoples results, but performing her own analysis.. Edited by puka
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Bahahah ... that christian from family voice, comparing self-medicating cannabis users to petrol sniffing aborigines in the N.T ... lol!


trying to put the whole using drugs to escape from thier current 'woes' then getting told off cause he's barking up the wrong tree. - "...you are really diminishing the seriousness of this inquiry with that comparison."

and saying that supplying plant matter is a 19th century 'snake oil' salesman technique ...... Shine ya shoes govnor?, Pipe of weed for ya sir?, something special for the missus *wink wink* :P




and all that crap about a patient doesnt have a say in the treatment - "It is not for a patient to determine his own medical treatment, it is up to the medical profession."




in the great words of Jaikai - what a fucking muppet.

Edited by The Stoned Jester
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Monica  If/When the laws are changed to allow medicinal use do you think it will only be pharmaceutical versions that are available or natural forms as well?


Any other thoughts or observations you might like to share about the inquiry?





Hi Chato :)


In the end I was way behind in my preparations for other commitments so did not attend the hearing last monday. I've had a brief look at the transcripts and it seemed the committee was seriously considering medical cannabis. I'm not sure how such a model of medicinal cannabis would look in Australia... I would hope there would be provision for both natural and pharmaceutical forms of cannabis.


Sorry my response isn't more detailed at this time - once i've had a better look at transcripts, may have more to say. I've been away in Sydney at the NSW Police hosted conference on drug strategy last week, see http://adasc2013.com/ -- not so much talk of medicinal cannabis there, although there were some debates about regulation/legalisation. The current police, not surprisingly, are not keen on lifting prohibition - but former politicians and a few others suggested it would be a good idea. Check out the website for a program to see what we are discussed. Odd being at a conference with heaps of police but interestingly nonetheless!

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