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NSW parliamentary inquiry into medical cannabis - due Feb 15



I thought contributors to this part of OZStoners would be very interested in this inquiry. Here is a quote from NSW parliament media release:


On 22 November 2012, the NSW Legislative Council referred an Inquiry into the medical use of cannabis to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4. The Committee, chaired by the Hon Sarah Mitchell MLC of The Nationals, includes representatives of the Australian Labor Party, the Greens and the Liberal Party.


The motion to refer the Inquiry to General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4 was put forward by Labor member the Hon Luke Foley MLC, and was agreed to without opposition from Council members.


The Committee Chair, Mrs Mitchell said, 'The Committee will be examining the safety and efficacy of cannabis for medical purposes as well as considering if and how cannabis should be supplied for medical use. In addition, the Inquiry will investigate the legal implications of cannabis use for medical purposes, as well as any other related issues.'


'There is a diverse collection of views held on this issue by the community, and the Committee wishes to hear from the widest possible range of stakeholders.'


Submissions are now being called for by the Committee from interested organisations and individuals. The closing date for submissions in Friday 15 February 2013.


The Committee will to hold two Sydney hearings, in March 2013. Detailed information about the dates and times of these hearings will be advertised on the Committee website following the closing date for submissions. The Committee is scheduled to report to the House by 14 May 2013.


For further information about the Inquiry, including its terms of reference, and for more on how to make a submission, please visit the Committee's website at: www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/gpsc4, or call the Committee Secretariat on (02) 9230 3081


Click here to lodge your submission - before 15 Feb 2013!


And if you haven't already, you can also complete our anonymous study of Australian cannabis growers. We will be using this information to make an official submission to the inquiry so this is another way you can have your voice heard.

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Good post drdave. I agree the medical cannabis house of cards that exists in California is an absolute fucking mess. It's given the criminals a semi legal premise to further their illegal activities and in some ways is worse than prohibition. It's become a bad joke.

Thank god Colarado had the sense to legalise it, full stop.

Yes, I like the Colorado laws, obvious problem is also the opening it provides for criminal organisations, and if that happens it will surely be bad for the debate. If I was running a criminal organisation distributing weed, I'd be in Colorado recruiting in the same way the meth gangs recruit people for smurfing psuedo ephedrine. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't happening, 1,000s of people growing 6 plants legally adds up without the risks. Great laws, pretty much what I'd like to see in Oz, but surely it only works at a national level.


Plus, I wonder how long until they start thinking that people growing their own is eating into the revenues from the dispensaries? Might all of a sudden be a bigger crime than it used to be. That's another of my opinions, but I see it as an inevitable outcome of any full legalisation, just as it is illegal to grow tobacco here.

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Great laws, pretty much what I'd like to see in Oz, but surely it only works at a national level.


I agree.

It's really opened a tin of worms also with other countries, Mexico in particular is crying foul, and rightly so. Why should they continue to loose thousands of lives and spend millions of dollars they don't have policing Americas insatiable appetite for drugs. If I was el presidente I'd be pulling all the cops off the border and letting America deal with their problem, in my opinion it'd be a win win for Mexico with the more gringos getting caught and put in US prisons the better.



Plus, I wonder how long until they start thinking that people growing their own is eating into the revenues from the dispensaries? Might all of a sudden be a bigger crime than it used to be. That's another of my opinions, but I see it as an inevitable outcome of any full legalisation, just as it is illegal to grow tobacco here.


Once again I agree, and have thought the same thing myself and so have others, that point has been raised many times.

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Thanks everyone :)


We only have a month to compile a submission, but we will do that using the data provided by many of you as the basis. we will also provide that submission to Oz Stoners so you get a chance to read.


I also don't necessarily have faith that this political process will produce outcomes, but you 'have to be in it to win it' :)

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Are individual submissions the best way to get notices or would there be more credibility given to large groups of people, such as an organisation or web community perhaps joining together...signing that they agree with the content of a submission. should a submission be short as possible?

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I think there is value in both individual and group submissions. I would recommend making your submission reasonably brief.


The problem with a group submission is getting everyone organised and happy with the content, and having someone to lead it. But it would be a possibility for an organisation like OzStoners to write a submission on behalf or through its members, if they were into that - again it's a bit of effort. I imagine the Nimbin Hemp Embassy and other cannabis organisations will write submissions.


At least with individual submissions, if they get 1000s, they will at least be aware from the numbers that this is an important issue in the community. So there's definitely value in individual submissions, but I wouldn't write them a novel.


We are planning on a short submission, eg. 2 pages, with an invitation to discuss the details further with us at the hearings.

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Postal submissions can also be made to:

The Director
General Purpose Standing Committee No. 4
Parliament House
Macquarie St
Sydney NSW 2000


So if someone from here organised a postcard campaign like some of the others I've seen, perhaps it would work? I don't know how it done myself, but I've certainly signed a few such campaigns over the years and it does make it easier for people.


Maybe someone else with better knowledge of NSW processes would know more?

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