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no no, i was high when i wrote my last responce.... my mom smelled smoke b/c i hit some rezen n she is like "i m going in your closet to see if you are somkeing in there" and found my plant i threw it away but i m ganna plant it somewhere... we talked about like how every kid did drugs bla bla what not n she told me my bro was in jail so i guess she dont care if i smoke it but she just dont want it in the house (my step-dad is the cop thow)


here is a pic of my crapy set up i hade i only wanted to grow it for a week in my room then plant it.


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mtheartist, I'm not a moderator, and I hope that I'm not out of line here, but from reading your posts it appears that you MAY be under 18 years of age.


Please be aware that this site is for persons over the age of 18 years only as specified in the Commiunity Guidelines and terms and conditions for entering this site.


If you are over 18, never mind me and enjoy the site, but if you are under 18, you shouldn't be here.





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