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do I have mold?

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Ok, thanks to everyone's advise I conceded that's it's not Mold, it is a critter. I had a look with my scope and under the damaged leaves I noticed little black dots and what seemed like little clear/whitish ballons/sacks. Tiny.... had to use my 60x scope. I also noticed that's the leaves had tiny puncture holes only noticable with then hps on.


So I've spraid pyrythum everyone every 12hrs 3times so far and since the first spray I see no meet movement on the top of the leaf which I did when I first posted 2 days ago. They seems like moving pieces of rice again tiny barley visible to the naked eye.


I think I have beat them, but in 2 years this is my first pest experience.... so may be I haven't no idea how hard it is to best them. I'll spray one more time today and leave it for 2 or 3 days, I believe most critters have a 7 day life cycle. If all else fails might see about getting preditory mights neoseliois calfifonicus and hypoasis from what I've read....


Again thanks for all the advise and please share any thoughts ideas and previously successful stratagies...

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From your description, it sounds like spidermites are the culprits.... and from the pictures, it looks like they have been there for a long time.


Pyrethrum will most likely kill off the adult mites but it wont have any impact on the eggs. Usually for mites the idea is to spray at least 3 times with 3 or 4 days between sprays (to catch the young as they hatch and hopefully before they have a chance to lay more eggs).


You need to focus the spraying to the underside of the leaves, approx 80% of your spray should go under the leaves, then 20% over the top to catch anything on the upperside of the leaves.


All the best with getting rid of them... it can be damn hard though once they have a foothold. I'm sure some of the other members will be able to chip in with the names of more mite specific treatments.

Edited by louise
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  • They have been cut and dried, and are currently being enjoyed. Just to update everyone, they were spider mites, I gave it a bit of pyrethrum for aout a week, and then got frustrated and sprayed with kill-a-mite. In retrospect, should have just fed the kill a mite into the nutrient solution uds and leaves)(so not to leave those nasty chemicals on the b as it is systemic, but had short term memory issued at the time. the killa mite did the  trick, bit overkill I know, but I did have quite a few weeks to harvedst at that time.

thanks for all the advise and support

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