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Marijuana tourists may flock to western US states

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Yesterday, I wrote about the results of six statewide marijuana initiatives, including the historic news that Washington and Colorado’s voters made marijuana legal under state law.


But those statewide victories weren’t the only defeats our country’s failed marijuana policies were dealt on Election Day. I have more good news to share.


In Michigan, voters overwhelmingly approved all four citywide measures to stop arresting marijuana users. Grand Rapids voters replaced possible jail time for simple possession of marijuana with a fine. In Detroit and Flint, voters removed local criminal penalties for marijuana possession. In Ypsilanti, marijuana possession will now be the lowest law enforcement priority.


While in Massachusetts voters were legalizing medical marijuana statewide, voters in six state legislative districts representing 45 towns and cities approved Public Policy Questions calling for even broader reform. Two of the measures called for Congress to repeal federal marijuana prohibition and let the states decide, while the other four called for marijuana to be taxed and regulated.


Burlington, Vermont voters also called for an end to marijuana prohibition, with 70% of voters approving a non-binding question that asked whether marijuana should be legal and regulated.


Turning to medical marijuana, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a proposal allowing regulated dispensaries received 64% support. Unfortunately, however, every one of the six local California measures to allow dispensaries or overturn restrictions was defeated. The local defeats highlight the need for California to join other medical marijuana states by modernizing its law and setting up clear protections and regulations for dispensaries.



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the Oregon fee can be $20 if the pateint is on social supplemental income. like someone who became disabled and almost qualifies for social security disability, but doesn't have enough work credits to qualify for it. that person ends up with just enough to pay the bills, but thats about it. Edited by loves420
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