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Yesterday was the most significant day in the history of the movement

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As I’m sure you’ve heard, Colorado and Washington voters approved a pair of ballot measures to allow adults 21 and older to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and to buy it from state-licensed vendors. And in Colorado, adults can also grow up to six marijuana plants once the election is certified.


The Colorado and Washington initiatives passed with 54.6% and 55.4% of the vote, respectively. As a result, these two states now have the best marijuana laws in the world. (Better than even Holland, where marijuana cultivation is illegal.)

Only 2.2% of the subscribers on this e-mail list donated to MPP or the Colorado campaign this year, and unfortunately, you weren’t one of those people. But it’s not too late to help, as we must now lobby the Colorado government to implement our ballot initiative. Please donate today.


Unfortunately, a similar proposal to regulate marijuana like alcohol failed in Oregon, garnering only 45% of the vote. This was expected, as that campaign was severely under-funded.


Regarding medical marijuana ...


- In Massachusetts, 63.4% of voters approved the broadest medical marijuana law since Californians passed their law in 1996. As a result, Massachusetts patients with any condition for which a doctor recommends marijuana may purchase it from state-licensed dispensaries or, in some cases, cultivate it at home.


- In Arkansas, voters narrowly defeated an MPP-sponsored measure that would have made Arkansas the first state in the South with an effective medical marijuana law. The ballot question received 48.6% of the vote.


- In Montana, 56.8% of voters approved a bad legislature-enacted law that gutted the state’s medical marijuana law (which MPP passed in 2004). As a result, dispensaries will remain illegal, and we’ll now have to lobby the state legislature to improve Montana’s law.


As you may know, MPP co-drafted the Colorado initiative and ran the signature drive, three of the four campaign staffers were MPP employees, we produced the TV and radio ads, and we provided 90% of the $2,300,000 campaign budget. We couldn’t have done all this without the financial support of our dues-paying members across the country.

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"Unfortunately, a similar proposal to regulate marijuana like alcohol failed in Oregon, garnering only 45% of the vote. This was expected, as that campaign was severely under-funded." Skunkxxx


that's an understatement, I didn't see a single ad of any kind.


Pot measure struggles with funding


Tuesday, October 2 2012, 06:46 PM CDT

Pot measure struggles with funding

By Jonathan J. Cooper/Associated Press


SALEM, Ore. (AP) -- Supporters of a measure to legalize marijuana in Oregon have raised almost no money for their effort and have less than $2,000 in the bank.


That's according to campaign finance reports submitted Tuesday.


Records show that contributors to other campaigns have been more active.


State and national Realtor groups have chipped in nearly $2.7 million to a campaign asking voters to ban real-estate transfer taxes, and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde have contributed just over $1 million to oppose a privately owned casino east of Portland.


The investors who want to build a casino in Wood Village have yet to turn in their latest campaign finance data. They had spent $1.5 million through Aug. 24.





here's the failed Measure 80,......




I've seen the same bill just dressed up a little different with a new bow the last 3 or 4 voting cycles.

Edited by loves420
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