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National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, February 21-25, 2013, in W

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http://safeaccessnow.org/img/original/banner-2011-email.jpgDear Friend,


Last night was a good night for medical cannabis patients and advocates. The voters in Massachusetts overwhelmingly approved a compassionate use law, bringing the total number of medical cannabis states to eighteen plus the District of Columbia!


The results for Congress were especially positive for our movement. 90% of our Congressional champions were reelected. We are excited to welcome medical cannabis supporters Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) to the Senate. Fresh faces in the House and Senate mean that new champions of the cause can emerge, and Americans for Safe Access (ASA) will be working hard to provide Members of Congress with plenty of opportunities to stand up for patients.


Because of these victories, ASA will start the New Year with a strong focus on the federal government. Make plans to attend our National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, February 21-25, 2013, in Washington, DC. You will not want to miss this historic networking, training, and citizen-lobbying opportunity. This is our chance to show the Obama Administration and the new Congress our strength in unity – and to make our voice heard like never before in the nation’s capitol!


Register for the National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference today. Learn more about sponsorship, raising money to attend, and how you can help shape the agenda.


This is our first chance to bring the fight for access from the statehouses to the nation’s capitol. The lawmakers elected yesterday will be the ones you will meet with on February 25 as part of the largest medical cannabis citizen-lobby day in Congress ever. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this.


The lead-up to last night’s election was an exciting campaign season for medical cannabis patients and advocates. In response to President Obama’s crackdown on medical cannabis states, we organized voters throughout the nation with "Camp WakeUpObama," bringing our message to Obama campaign headquarters and events in nationwide and local actions. Thanks to almost 900 “campers” who led the effort!


In October, the Appellate Court heard our lawsuit challenging the federal government’s classification of cannabis as “without accepted medical use,” and that forthcoming court decision may set the agenda for the coming year. We’ve further deepened our relationships with the scientific and medical community. Renowned Superstring theorist Dr. John Schwarz wrote an op-ed in favor of treating the science of cannabis fairly, and the California Medical Association recently called on California Governor Jerry Brown to support rescheduling cannabis.


We still have a long fight in Washington, DC, before we can change federal law. We need you in that fight, and the National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference is an important way to be a part of it. Please make your reservations today. I look forward to making a difference with you in February!




Steph Sherer

Executive Director





http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o...st_KEY=1260756 __________________

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