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Are Stoned Drivers Better?

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I posted it under International Marijuana Laws, but the Germans made some revisions to their laws: Usually, any trace of THC in your blood will result in serious trouble and taking away of your licence, but now it is going to change finally.


Maybe, other European countries will follow this example. The annual report of the International Control Board of Narcotics, which was published on the 2nd of March, hopefully inspires politicians to finally do something: There it says, that during the last year, 28,5 Million Europeans- which is over 5 & of the population, smoked dope, another piece of evidence that repressive drug politics only exaccerbates the existing problems instead of fighting them.


Greetings from the other part of the globe



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Cannabis/Driving Studies


Australia: No Proof Cannabis Put Drivers At Risk (2001)


UK: Cannabis May Make You A Safer Driver (2000)


University Of Toronto Study Shows Marijuana Not A Factor In Driving Accidents (1999)


Australia: Cannabis Crash Risk Less: Study (1998)


Australia: Study Goes to Pot (1998)


i myself have always been a good driver on weed. when i first started driving "high", i wasn't as good a driver as when i was "straight". i do think i was more cautious though, i would drive a little slower and always check my mirrors etc. these days i'm a better driver when i'm high. i don't think it gives me super powers, i just think it gives me more patience and concentration etc. fatigue is one of the most common reasons for speeding, and i'm never fatigued when i'm on a good high. there have been many tests in several countries on this subject, and a large majority of them give us the green light. GREEN, hehehe.

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