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Are Stoned Drivers Better?

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Driving stoned is soooo much safer than being drunk, and at least equaly safe as being straight. When you're driving stoned your more relaxed, calm, and aware of every thing. When im driving stoned i dont feel the need to hurry to where i need to go, and take the time to be more aware of what im doing. Sure people who are just getting high for their first say 15-20 times cant do it, but for the expierenced smokers or connasures the obvious tolerance and change of the actual stoned mindset makes it easy and safe to drive while stoned.
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i also think you are a better driver when you are stoned.


its the paranoia of not wanting people to notice you that gets you thinking about road rules.

when your drunk you show off and drive too aggresively sometimes past your ability.


although when i started smoking i would never drive stoned because as a newbie mj was extremely trippy but as time went on it got more mellow and i wasnt concentrating on my thoughts so much anymore but my surroundings. So now i drive, but partly coz i smoke more now so sometimes i kinda have no choice.

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Hey guys any way you could post the acutla Links for the Driving Studies ???


I can't seem to get them from the Paper on line. :P


I am involved in a Driving and Smoking Issue coming up in Canada in April and would love to print this one out and give it to everyone there...


Thanx waaaayy in advance guys... ;)


Love and a Squish,



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Using any drug and then driving is not really a good thing to do.

People tend to forget that pot slowns down thinking and dont forget that it is a mind altering drug after all.


Nah better off not driving when stoned or anytime afterwards.

I also was of the mind that it made me a better driver because I was more paranoid about what can happen etc, The fact remains though it does alter your normal thinking and although you might be more aware that theres a car about to move in front of you, it actually takes longer to respond to this physcially.


I've never even heard of anyone crashing as a result of stoned driving. Maybe your couzin is just a bad driver all the time. 


Mate I have, I used to work for a company that had tow trucks and we saw heaps of smashs come in from stoned drivers. The cars always stunk of pot and had bongs and shit in them, and on one occassion the guy admtted that he had been driving stoned.

I once had to pick pieces of a 5 yr old up off the road because some asshole drove stoned and fell asleep.Thats something I will NEVER forget.



Not half as many as from alcohol though.

Edited by Ferenge420
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S'pose, there has to be limit of what is TOO stoned to drive, I myself, although not proud of the fact, was unconsious at the wheel once when I had some bad weed that must have been laced with god knows what, probably fly spray.


I spewed once I fell out of the car though, and I hadn't even had anything to drink. Scared shit outta me.


If yer gonna smoke and drive, take it easy.


Ferenge, I too have a friend who has been out of towing for a while. He was Sydney based and often used to get upset, as he had a little girl die in his arms whilst her mother was slowly dying in the car next to them

and whenever he came across accidents that the driver was pissed or allegedley stoned, he would be upset.


Be sensible with the driving, cause when ya really ripped, it can fuck with ya perspective and peripheral vision etc





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