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Are Stoned Drivers Better?

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While no responsible person would ever advocate the use of drugs for drivers, tests using a recently developed video game called Burnout have thrown up some surprise statistics.


The testers found that a moderate amount of cannabis actually improved driving performance among those they studied.


Results from another recent study apparently also show that people drive both faster and safer while under the influence of the drug.


A group of 20 drivers aged 21-40 were recruited for the Burnout study, all of whom had not previously owned a video games machine or described themselves of players of video games.


Ten of them smoked approximately 0.15 milligrams of cannabis, equivalent to about half a "joint".


The other half declared that they had not had any stimulant for at least 72 hours before the test.


They were then given a thorough demonstration of Burnout and were subsequently asked to take the controls and play the video game themselves.


Participants' skills at different elements of the game - reaction times, speed, concentration levels and road safety - were thoroughly analysed and evaluated.


The results showed that for those who had smoked 0.15 mgs of cannabis:

* 80 per cent demonstrated superior reaction times * 60 per cent finished a lap faster * 70 per cent experienced a lower number of collisions * 60 per cent reached a higher level in the game.


The cannabis takers were then pitched against the non-cannabis takers in a head-to-head challenge on Burnout.


In this competitive setting, the cannabis users came out on top in eight out of ten of the match-ups.


The drivers under the influence of cannabis appeared to have more confidence in their ability and be much calmer. Burnout is aid to be "a fast-paced and adrenalin-stoked" game and the cannabis could have helped keep them in control of their nerves..


For the second stage of the experiment, the group who had already smoked cannabis smoked some more, increasing their total intake to about 0.58 milligrams, equatting to approximately two "joints". The driver performance on Burnout then showed a significant decrease.


With a total of 0.58 milligrams of cannabis in their system:

* 60 per cent demonstrated superior reaction times * 30 per cent finished the game faster * 40 per cent experienced a lower number of collisions * 20 per cent reached a higher level in the game.


In the second part of the challenges, the cannabis smokers won only three races against their non-cannabis counterparts, an indicator of worsening driving performance.


Simon smith Wright, Burnout's Communications Director, said: "The results of our test clearly show indicate that a small or moderate amount of cannabis is actually quite beneficial to someone's driving performance.


"Further amounts then tend to start to impinge on performance, although interestingly reactions times appear to best withstand the increased amount of the drug in the system.


"Obviously Burnout is a video game and whilst extremely realistic, we cannot claim that these findings translate to real life driving, nor are we encouraging anyone to try out the theory."


The RAC's position is that, in every circumstance, the drug is detrimental to anyone at the wheel.


Source: Evening News

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Drug Driving Thread.


Research in the united states, the UK and Australia among only a few countries has unequivocably proven that stoned driving is not only as safe as regular driving but may actually be safer. Driving ability is not impaired but actually seems to improve.


Its interesting to note that even with heavy doses of marijuana the players performed almost as well as or equal to straight drivers and reaction times remained excellent. I don't know about you guys but I reckon anyone stoned yet still capable of getting into a car is probably in a good enough condition to drive. When stoners are too wasted to drive they know it and will say so.

"Hey man, you drive, I'm too stoned."


Unlike those on alcohol who think they are indestructible and will drive no matter how fucked they are.

"Give me back my fucking car keys you cunt."


Its a subtle but important difference. My only problem driving stoned is that sometimes I drive too slowly not realising it. Its a lovely day in the country. Why hurry. Then a bus load of tourists will overtake with everyone laughing at me. I even got pulled up by cops once while stoned. Luckily I'd used some eye drops. I chatted amiably and he gave me a breathaliser test an away I went. It was after a festival near Nimbin and they were stopping everyone. Why I have no idea. They didn't check for pot or anything. Strawberry wine was about the only spirit going around. Maybe because I didn't look like a hippy and appeared fairly straight they just let me go. That was the first and last time I ever saw an active cop in the area except for the really obvious D's in Nimbin main street.

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Chong is right ... under the influence of marijuana i find im more aware of my surrounding, thats only if iv smoked a little. Its true that drunk drivers in most cases over-esstimate their driving skills while under the influence. But i guess its how responsable you are as an individual .. i myself wouldnt get into a car if i know im too stoned or drunk.
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I have been stoned driving all my life, even got my driving licences (car, truck, motorbike) all while stoned.

The last 5 cars I owned have all been Jaguars with loads of power (my latest, XJR, chiptuned to 480 horsepower) and In Europe, Germany and such, the traffic is known to be fast (no limits) and very busy. And I love to drive fast too, VERY fast. (250 km/h and up)

Still, I drive for more then 25 years now without any accidents and my insurance company has rewarded me with an 80% discount on my annual payment, for as long as I stay accident free.


What about that uh? I'm the living prove there's no harm at all to smoke and drive.


Of course, some folks are bad drivers, stoned or not stoned, I realise that too, those people shouldn'd drive stoned, or sober, for that matter. :)

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a friend of mine actually did her phd on the effects of marijuana on motor skills.

Her study showed that smoking did actually improve the skills of most drivers, making them more aware and careful. BUT there reaction times were still slowed a little and it was more difficult for them to react to the OTHER dickheads on the road driving like manics. So, generally you drive better when stoned but may not be able to react fast enough to avoid the other ppl driving like morons.

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playing playstation and driving are different things.


The more cones you have in PS2 the better you go, but drivings a different story.


I remember once a dumb surfy idiot friend and I were driving along when I said "arent we on the wrong side of the road?" "oh yeah" and we cruise back over the top of the island in centre of road. Came out too late on a roundabout.


secondly stoned drivers suck, follow any tourist from nimbin and you'll see how true it is, stuck going 50 behind a car tha hardly stays between the lines ands slows down for slight corners.


once we got a guy on mushies for his first time and got him to drive us around, he got his mum and dads mitsubishi about 2ft in the air. but we made him stop when he said "is the road sposed to be melting?"

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