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Chilli Bean Pot

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I just love this, it tastes yumm and gets you hammered as well.


2 lbs. pinto beans

1 lb. bacon, cut into two-inch sections

2 cups red wine

4 tablespoons chilli powder

1/2 clove garlic

1 cup chopped weed

1/2 cup mushrooms


Soak beans overnight in water. In a large pot pour boiling water

over beans and simmer for at least an hour, adding more water to

keep beans covered. Now add all other ingredients and continue to

simmer for another three hours. Salt to taste. Serves about ten.


I got this from the Anarchist's Cookbook IV!) but tried it and it is good.

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Hey Ferangie



By The way deep space nine wouldnt be the same without quark , The Grand Negas , Rom and the laws of acuistion .



By the way i love chillie and tryed out your recipie tonight and damm good shit espically with your suggest ammount of choped bud however i made some changes to it and you may wanna try it out .


Half Tin of red kidney beans

Half Tin of Red Chillie beans

2 teaspoons of Dragons Blood Chillie Cordial

(Avaliable at www.thechilliefactory.com.au, really awsome hot stuff)

3 splashes of Tabasco sauce

1 tabelspoon of Oragano

1 tabelspoon of Paprika

1 teaspoon of cinamon

1 tabelspoon of chillie powder

4 rashes of finley choped bacon

1 whole choped onion



After throwing it all into the pot and heating up served it ontop of mexican rice and put a sprinkle of shredded cheese and put it in the top oven for 2 minuts damm nice dude , Give it a try and tell me what u think



'jar jar

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