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Blackout caused by K2 synthetic cannabis.

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A man hallucinated and lost consciousness while driving after smoking artificial cannabinoid K2 Black, the Invercargill District Court was told last week. The guy was taken to hospital with chest pains.


Other side-effects include extreme anger and high levels of anxiety and psychotic symptoms. The health minister of NZ reckons it will be banned soon.


Screw that rubbish. I've been smoking regular weed for decades and never experienced any shit like that. This laboratory weed extract is dangerous crap. It wouldn't be around if politicians hadn't banned harmless traditional dope.

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yeah man seriously that K2 spice shit is bad


i had some on my american holiday ... i think it was K4 spice gold or something like that i rolled up a tally-ho sized joint and smoked that.


that fucked me up bad .... that was no way like getting stoned at all ... this was tripping fucking balls my heart was pumping like crazy i was breathing in and out fast like hyperventilating mega head spin and fucked up.


seriously almost considered calling 911


never doing that shit again .. sticking to the real stuff.


ill warn everyone dont ever do that K/2/4/gold/black spice also called jamaican gold shit it's nasty.

Edited by The Stoned Jester
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There not that bad if you’re personally into experimenting with psychedelics other than cannabis. As long as you realise it’s a potent psychedelic drug and not cannabis!


That’s the problem, people get confused about how they activate your cannabinoid receptors and think it can be used like cannabis. So they end up smoking too much and give themselves an overwhelming panic attack, like the guy in this article. Or they smoke it everyday, like they would cannabis and end up with a serious addiction.


If your going to use it then use it like you would LSD or MDMA and not like you would use cannabis.


Btw, not really trying to defend synthetic cannabinoid agonists, just putting it into a realistic and accurate perspective. Rather than the old lecture about how all drugs except for alcohol (or cannabis on this forum, lol) are evil, which we constantly cope from the media and government.


Informing people about safe use is a far more effective for harm minimisation, than just ranting on in peoples ear about how bad it is, imo.



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Getting to the bottom of what, my tranquil old mate? Are you talking about the panic attack this guy suffered?


If so, don’t worry I’ve been there and have actually passed out from smoking too much JWH-018 powder myself. Just recently I had a major panic attack from 1 cone of a product called code black, damn near called 000 as well, convinced myself my day had come, lol.


Obviously, people would be wisely advised to stick to the good old natural herb. But like I said, if somebodies got there mind set on trying it, then remember that legal doesn’t mean safe and that it ‘is’ a potent psychedelic. Don’t make the same mistake as I did and treat it like cannabis.


A little perspective is all I’m saying. Just remember people die from alcohol poisoning all the time, yet there still are no confirmed deaths from smoking synthetics. Last thing we need is another ban due a panic attack and an alarmist newspaper article, which will just lead to incense manufacturers using even more potent (and possibly more dangerous) chemicals in incense. Prohibition never works and usually just creates more problems.



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No deaths huh? How bout you google before you make a cock of yourself next time jabez...


From Fayetteville, North Carloina

The parents of a Fayette County teen who died after smoking synthetic marijuana have filed a wrongful death suit against a Cobb County man alleged to be the drug’s distributor.



From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - I'd suggest reading the whole article, this was not so much an overdose as just a very unfortunate series of events kicked off by this K2 Crap.

A Pittsburgh boy who got sick after smoking synthetic marijuana, so sick that he needed a double-lung transplant, has died.


ALSO Found, in an article related to this story was this quote

His death was one of three in Georgia this year linked to the quasi-legal chemical, commonly known as K2 or Spice.


From Rockingham WA

A 38-year-old man died last night after suffering a heart attack moments after smoking synthetic cannabis, police said.

The Hillman man was rushed to Rockingham Hospital in cardiac arrest about 6.30pm. He could not be revived and later died in hospital.



New York, New York, city of... ahem.

New York state anti-synthetic activist Deirdre Canaday, whose 26-year-old son Aaron Stinson died last year after smoking a form of fake weed called Mr. Nice Guy



These aren't deaths, but a big pile of fucked up from Michigan

In recent weeks, synthetic marijuana has been thrust into the spotlight in Michigan in a series of incidents involving teens and young adults said to be using it.

In Farmington Hills, police say Tucker Cipriano, 19, and Mitchell Young, 20, smoked Spice before they attacked Cipriano's family with baseball bats on April 16, killing his father and critically injuring his mother and brother.

In West Bloomfield, Jonathan Hoffman, 17, tested positive for Spice on May 18, the day police say his grandmother shot him to death, according to Jerome Sabbota, the grandmother's attorney. Sabbota said Sandra Layne, 74, shot her grandson out of fear after he threatened her.

In Troy, a mother rushed to Raintree Park on May 17 after someone called to say her 15-year-old daughter, who had smoked Spice, was "freaking out," according to police.

In Rochester Hills, police said a 27-year-old man tried to steal synthetic marijuana from a gas station May 20 and scuffled with the clerk.

And in Bloomfield Township, 18-year-old Oliver Satchel Smith was using synthetic marijuana before he died next to a private lake on May 26, police said. Toxicology results are pending.




I could go on, but I'm getting bored with this now.

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Getting to the bottom of what, my tranquil old mate? Are you talking about the panic attack this guy suffered?


If so, don’t worry I’ve been there and have actually passed out from smoking too much JWH-018 powder myself. Just recently I had a major panic attack from 1 cone of a product called code black, damn near called 000 as well, convinced myself my day had come, lol.


Obviously, people would be wisely advised to stick to the good old natural herb. But like I said, if somebodies got there mind set on trying it, then remember that legal doesnt mean safe and that it ‘is’ a potent psychedelic. Don’t make the same mistake as I did and treat it like cannabis.


A little perspective is all I’m saying. Just remember people die from alcohol poisoning all the time, yet there still are no confirmed deaths from smoking synthetics. Last thing we need is another ban due a panic attack and an alarmist newspaper article, which will just lead to incense manufacturers using even more potent (and possibly more dangerous) chemicals in incense. Prohibition never works and usually just creates more problems.




Quite simple... the link provided did`nt tell me a lot, besides "their" take on it. I`d like more background etc.


I highlighted a few passages of your post above, good points for further discussion...


Interesting point you make re: legal aint mean safe...too right it dont! Besides that issue, never met anyone impressed with the synthetic "legal" highs yet. That spice gear is plain dangerous...


Got me stumped why ppl use these substances day to day, also why such things arent more closely regulated. Spose though, from this side of the counter, if it`s "legal" it must be OK ay? Yet another area in which education is lacking? Yet another consequence of the Cannabis prohibition laws?


In other unrelated news, a hydro grow was found in Sydney overnight...as the news put it "An elaorate hydroponics operation..."

"They seemed like any other normal family" said some neighbour with no fuckin idea...Cut back to the presenters frowning and fawning over kids being exposed etc...


That sorta beat up shits me to tears



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@5150, none of those articles you posted were a direct over dose due to incense. The first article you posted was about a 16 year old who drowned in a bathtub. The second news story was due to a lung infection, which probably had little to do with the actual synthetics used to get you stoned. The third article doesn’t say anything about the mans medical history (he probably had a pre-existing heart condition and was a ticking time bomb), it was more just a rant about banning more synthetics.


There’s a story that has been circulating though the media lately about a teenage girl who died after drinking just 2 energy drinks in the US. Does that mean we should just ban caffeine, without properly analysing the actual circumstances of her death?






Anyway my original point still stands, young healthy individuals die all the time as a direct result of alcohol poisoning, but there still doesn’t seem to be any death directly caused from an over dose from cannabinoid agonists. Though, that might soon change if they keep on just banning these chemicals, which just causes incense manufacturers to start using even more potent & dangerous chemicals on incense.


I was also just trying to warn people that just because this stuff is legal and referred by the media as “synthetic cannabis”, doesn’t mean it is safe like cannabis.


Even a small amount can cause a very scary panic attack, particularly the new generation of chemicals since the last ban. They are also very addictive if over used imo.

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