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Brad Pitt attacks drug prohibition!

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Brad Pitt Blasts U.S. ‘War On Drugs’, Calls For Policy Rethink


"Brad Pitt has thrown his weight behind a documentary that blasts America’s 40-year war on drugs as a failure, calling policies that imprison huge numbers of drug-users a “charade” in urgent need of a rethink."


“I know people are suffering because of it. I know I’ve lived a very privileged life in comparison and I can’t stand for it,” Pitt told Reuters on Friday, calling the government’s War on Drugs policy a “charade.”


“It’s such bad strategy. It makes no sense. It perpetuates itself. You make a bust, you drive up profit, which makes more people want to get into it,” he added. “To me, there’s no question; we have to rethink this policy and we have to rethink it now.”


I know Brad has been a potsmoker for a long time. Brave of him to speak up. I wonder if the US government will go after him now. Wouldn't put anything past those fuckers. Nice one Brad! You are my fucking hero! Your wife isn't bad looking either.

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I half suspect thats just wishfull thinking on the part of us poor slovenly unwashed masses but I know its actually true. Rich people live in a completely different universe. They create their own personal hells. Material wealth is like a heavy anchor chained to your body. A constant drain on your time and resources. I was wealthy for a few years before everything fell to bits. Some of the most free and happy memories of my life were when I was young and homeless. One time I jumped on a sydney train to Byron Bay and end up in Toonumbah Forest with topless hippy chicks celebrating the moon festival. One time when I was renting a house in Brisbane I came home and found I'd been robbed. All my hard earned belongings gone. So I up and packed what was left into one carry bag and caught a bus to Sydney feeling free as a bird.


I try to keep to essentials. I own 100 acres. A car to get about. A small tv, some 20W solar panels and deep cycle batteries, a laptop computer. A $10 armchair from vinnies. A humpy I built to stay out of the bad weather. A family sized tent inside the humpy to sleep in(keeps out mozzies, snakes and my two cats). Thats all I need. Keeps costs down.


More money would be nice though.

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Ofcourse. There are lots of happy rich people in the world. Wish I was one of them. I'd spend all day hang gliding, swimming with my harem of naked women, taste testing weed for my seed breeding company, making movies about the drug prohibition, throwing wild parties and genetically engineering dinosaurs. It would be awesome. :egyptdance:
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