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Look a bit gangly. Are they getting enough light?


Birds are going to scratch around them. Roos and wallabies will try them. Bugs will eat them. Termites may move in and take 1 in 4 or more. If they aren't fenced they don't stand much of a chance. When I first started I lost most of my crop to varmints. Bit late to be starting now. They might wilt in the sun. Could be an idea to find a shadier spot. Like under a tree or in tall grass. Until they get a bit bigger. Best of luck. They are going to need regular watering if the ground or pots they are in keeps drying out. Only have short roots so far. About 3 times a week maybe. Once they are established and the tap root has drilled down a fair way they'll still need regular watering. Thirsty buggers cannabis plants.

Edited by Outlaw
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Depends on your preference. Many people start in august. Some areas run a risk of late frost though. Starting indoors fixes that. A lot of sativa growers out in the scrub wait until september when spring has started. Starting later means smaller plants come harvest time which increases stealth. I find starting mine early september or august when its cool and the plants are delicate gives them the best chance. Insect pests are still waking up from winter too.


You can grow at all sorts of times. Winter crops are possible. You just get smaller plants and they die if the temperature gets much below zero.

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gota agree with everyone on here.


my first grow i started my sativas in september and they grew to be monsters good 7ft plus plants but only just starting mine now as there auto's but still saying that you will still get a good plant with non auto strains if started now.i was just waiting for the weather to get hot and daylight as long as possible.


as you said you've already planted them outside but it would've been best to try and wait atleat another 2 weeks but as ya said you couldnt have them there so out they go.when i do transplant outside i will not transplant out of where they are for atleast aweek to give them alittle time to get used to the outdoors and gives me time to get my ph perfect in the soil where i will be transplanting them into.while my babys are still in the same mix for that week i will find a place where they get half day sun and half day shade just to get them use to the sun.i will give them a spray atleast 3 times a day to keep them cool if your able to do that i suggest you do for atleast a week or 2 and of course water them when need be then stop and just start watering them they should be strong enough by then.but like you said there outside already so this is just what you might want to try if you start up anymore.


pest wise at that early stage is bad everything will try and have a go at it.mine are alwasy fenced but that dont stop snails and the little pests.there is stuff out there that you can spray on to give them achance but i've tried afew and none have worked 100%.i lay a handful of clayballs around my babys it seems to keep the slugs away as for the bigger outdoor pests before i used to have my plants fenced i would take my dog down and let him piss all around them then i'd have ago to haha also dog crap laid around worked for me back then anyway.i always lost afew plants but.i wanted 25 plants this season so i planted 50 seeds and 38 came up so there's afew lost then i might lose another 5 maybe to pests.


all the best to your babys mate hope all goes well.

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