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Consciousness Is Not In The Brain?

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Nor is a study group of only 100 people statistically reliable what so ever.


As for mens emotions i strongly believe that culture plays a huge part in the suppression of mens outwards emotions, on the inside they are still very much emotional creatures. In fact its those sort of stereotypes (about men not being emotional) against men that perpetuate males suppression of their emotions.

Furthermore, The study found that men and women could multitask equally. However, women were able to locate an imaginary key in an imaginary paddok thorough the use of a more strategic plan (out of the small sample population- 50 Male, 50 female)... Could be why my wife can find the car keys, when she has a female look, and I never can...

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If I had more than 50 cents left on my wifi I'd google up a few hundred research articles for you. Men and women are hormonally different. Thats where emotions largely come from. Testosterone is great for anger. Just ask a steroids filled bouncer in kings cross. Then hope you can run fast enough. Oestrogen is related to less destructive emotions such as happiness and sadness. Men and women are not the same mentally.


Men are better at reading maps. Its a hunter skill. I found the key example weird but I couldn't be bothered searching hard. Was about to catch a ride to town and do some shopping. I love shopping.

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If I had more than 50 cents left on my wifi I'd google up a few hundred research articles for you. Men and women are hormonally different. Thats where emotions largely come from. Testosterone is great for anger. Just ask a steroids filled bouncer in kings cross. Then hope you can run fast enough. Oestrogen is related to less destructive emotions such as happiness and sadness. Men and women are not the same mentally.


Men are better at reading maps. Its a hunter skill. I found the key example weird but I couldn't be bothered searching hard. Was about to catch a ride to town and do some shopping. I love shopping.

Hey i completely agree, men and women are different. Just that first article stated that men and women multitask at the same level.. However, given the small sample size, I would of recomended further analisys on the subject, which they may well have done, I didn't see the actual report, just the wrap up... Anecdotally, I have to agree with you MJS, I am shit at multitasking, where my better half can do multiple things at once...

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Yeah, women are obviously more emotional than men in general due to hormones. I don’t see how that could be seen as sexist personally. I mean, of course it doesn’t always turn out like that, since men can and do develop high levels of oestrogen, just as females can and do develop high levels of testosterone.


I’m sure most people have known a bloke to be maternal by nature or to get all emotional and erratic at the drop of a hat, or a female who becomes overly excited sexually, or an urge to dominate her peers though physical gestures.


I think that was the point MJS was making, we as humans like to give ourselves self-importance by attributing our behaviour and actions to a self-awareness or a consciousness, which could well be an illusion. Since most of our behaviour and actions are probably simply a pre-emptive action dictated by chemical reactions.


It is an uncomfortable theory for most people, since we like to imagine the world as good and evil and most of us like to think we all have the conscious choice on whether to be good or evil, when in fact it could actually all come down to a chemical reaction within our brain. Everything we do could all be an evolved survival instinct, rather than an actual conscious decision.


It’s actually a very interesting theory.


The multi task theory does also make evolutionary sense. Since the prime responsibility of men has usually always been to collect the protein and to protect the tribes territory, which involves being level headed and concentrating on a single task.


Where as women have usually always been responsible for collecting the carbohydrates, caring for the young, cooking and just holding the family structure together in general. Which obviously involves a lot of multi tasking and a clear expression of emotions.


Lets face it, we are still a primitive form of life, which makes it very difficult for us to even comprehend what we actually are and the forces that dictate our very existence.



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The current research on multitasking finds that no one can do it effectively. If I can be bothered at some point I'll find an article or two.


I find it useful when discussing 'consciousness' and 'awareness' to first define what the terms mean. If this isn't done you often find after much painful discussion that all partakers are talking about a different concept to begin with.


It is my opinion that metacognition, or more simply 'thinking about thinking', is an elemental part of consciousness or self-awareness.


Naycha :peace:

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- It takes time between thinking about doing something then actually doing it so you can obviously predict certain simple actions especially since habit can take over. I find myself opening doors with either hand while my main thought is "open the door" I don't care how. We have a subconscious making decisions like that for you so you don't have to, it's tedious and unimportant.


- Multi-tasking is a lie because the brain can only focus on one thing at a time it's the speed of which you can switch between tasks that people mistake for multi-tasking.



- Yes the brains are different but it doesn't mean it dictates someone's personality. I've met great and horrible people from both genders, it is society and nurturing that dictates a person's personality. I feel emotions in the same way anyone does but I was brought up to control myself and only show the emotions that are acceptable or the ones that I chose to show (not on purpose though). A stupid man will show his emotions because of something he saw or was told (e.g. Women like douchbags). While a smart man will wait until he knows the situation before revealing one of the many masks of emotions he has. That is what society teaches men, that emotions are like a mask, to be put on and taken off when the time seems right while women are taught that their emotions are who they are and that sharing their emotions is just part of being themselves.


You cannot say something like personality is predetermined because personality is developed through life experience. Yes hormones can affect emotion but it does not affect the personality that deals with those emotions.

Edited by Tsigle
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NOT, in the brain; Nah.

The entire 'animal' part of us is noting more than a conduit of perseption inorder that 'consciousness' can experience. Learn evolve, grow. That is. The physical realm is the result of consiousness manifest. A 'self' awareness (poor term)!

The best way to explain this is with the use of a triangle.

The individual point has no veiw of itself until it draws a line out and can see where it cam from however there is no definition no real shape to the 'self' until an OBJECTIVE point, or a point removed from self can be observed.

This forms the third dot of the triangle. The point that can 'view' both other points.

That is, I think therefor I am; however that means fuck all until someone notices.

The individual is irrelivant, until someone or something finds significance.

Consciousness is nothing without perception.

An the molecules that house consciouseness do exists in strange concentrations, all over the body.

Edited by iTiC
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