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Consciousness Is Not In The Brain?

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Self awareness is an illusion. There is no self for one thing. Even our memories are memories of memories. Reproduced copies of earlier recordings. The trillions of cells in our bodies are dying and being replaced constantly so claiming to be the same person you were yesterday is ridiculous. Even the longest lived cells only survive 7 years. Most types are gone much faster. Like a computer our brains are composed of many separate sections. There is no consciousness. It just feels like we have one.


Free will is an illusion.




The self illusion.




Brain Scanners Can See Your Decisions Before You Make Them





If you ever face a magistrate with a degree in neuroscience you might try it on as a defence. Let me know if it works.

Edited by Mary Jane Stoner
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Its the most complex machine in the known universe. Ofcourse we don't know much of the universe. I think we are getting very close to understanding how it all works. IBM is modelling a new computer on the human brain. Most of its functioning has been deciphered already. It is remarkably similar to how computers work. The newest ones at any rate. All the different parts of the brain take turns sending information to a central processing unit. Much like different parts of a company send information to head office. Accounting, mail room, sales, research, advertising, etc. Most government science funding goes toward medical research so its not surprising that after computers its the fastest growing technology field. We've mapped the genome already. People thought that would take another 50 years. Computers helped. So the two leading research fields are complimentary. That multiplies the speed of progress. We might have the brain figured out within 10 years. Wouldn't surprise me.


Did you know we really have two brains. The left and right hemispheres are practically mirror images of each other. Constantly sending messages though a thin membrane separating them. A bit like a spell checker they test each other constantly for errors. Women have more connections in this membrane which means our brains work faster. Thats why we are always talking and can multi-task. With epilepsy patients the back and forth communication gets out of control and can lead to information overload and seizures. No fun at all when it happens I can tell you. In really serious cases doctors sometimes cut through the membrane and separate the two brains to stop the seizures. Thats when some really strange shit happens. The two brains begin developing different personalities. The hemisphere not in control of speech can get frustrated and turn rebellious. Heard of one case where a guy was trying to pull his pants up one morning and discovered one hand was trying to pull his pants down instead.


Read up on the split brain studies if you want to hear some amazing creepy stories. :)

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Yeah that brain split stuff is very very disturbing to watch, that would be an absolute horrible existence, id want to be killed if that ever happened to me. You would have no quality of life at all i think.


For some people with debilitating medical conditions, severing the corpus callosum can lead to a dramatic improvement in quality of life.


Naycha :peace:

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