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Newb grower, outdoor seedlings dying, please help!

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Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor

Growing Medium: Storebought "seedling" mix

Growing Style: Plastic pots, windowsill

Watering/Feeding Frequency: ~4-5 days since planting seeds (September 19th)

Cannabis Strain: Various


Hi, first time attempting to grow properly here. My 5 seedlings were growing fine until October 2nd; I went on a family trip for a few days, gave them one last water before leaving and left them on the windowsill with the blind down but still allowing a decent amount of light through. When I returned on the evening of the 5th, they were looking somewhat sickly-pale and wilted. I gave them a light water that evening then put them outside in full sun the following morning. This didn't help much! They began to shrivel and sag fairly dramatically. Perhaps stupidly, I placed them under a humidity dome which didn't do a whole lot. Somewhat desperately I've continued to mist them, vary them between partial and full sunlight, and for the most part they're still looking shocking, some of them far worse. Fell prey to thinking I could just throw what seemed like solutions at them when I'm utterly inexperienced and should've asked around earlier/done better research


One of them is looking quite okay despite my accidentally dropping it whilst examining them on the fifth, another I accidentally knocked over whilst moving it around a week ago isn't doing so well but I'm not sure if that's had any role.


Photos; apologies for how awful my phone camera is.


Seedling #1




This girl's doing the best. She's an autogrowing feminised indica/sativa. The one I dropped about a foot a few days ago. Some whiteish-brown dry, dead spots at the tip of one leaf and on the edges of others.


Seedling #2




Same strain as above. All of her leaves are shrivelled, drooping, somewhat pale. Browning/yellowing on leaf tips and edges. Leaning over slightly.


Seedling #3




Feminised pure indica. This girl took a good 4-5 days longer than the other to break the soil. She's sagging, very wilted/shrivelled, on some of her tiny leaves I can see small holes.


Seedling #4




Feminised sativa/indica. Minus the drooping, she's the second-healthiest looking over-all.


Seedling #5




Auto, feminised, sativa/indica. Very shrivelled/wilted, dry at the tips, yellowing/browning at the tips and edges in places. Accidentally knocked her over around a week ago



If anyone could help that'd be awesome; I'm really not sure where to go/what to do from here. I hope at least some of them can be saved!

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If they are in that bad a condition you do not want them in full or partial sun, shade or indoors is best to attempt to nurse them back. I would just plant more seeds, they would probably outgrow the damaged plants anyway.


Please feel free to add the photos as attachments or upload them to your gallery at Oz Stoners and link to them in your post.




Naycha :peace:

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Cheers for the answer, and apologies! I wasn't able to make a gallery for some reason and only discovered the attachment option after writing up the post. I'll do that momentarily.


I'm going to try my best to get these fellows back in the game given how long they took to arrive and how much they cost, but if that fails I'll get some more seeds. Live and learn!


EDIT: Added proper images.


I'm struggling to find any kind of solid information on how to maximise my chances of reviving my ailing seedlings. I've currently got them indoors in a well-ventilated room, out of direct/partial sunlight, and for the most part they're looking even sadder than in the images I took yesterday.

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sorry man they look pretty fried, i'd start over but maybe they will come back?Looks like that same cheap crap potting mix i've been using...it's not good :(...only thing i can really comment on is those plastic see through pots...pretty sure roots don't like light? + that potting soil could be getting 'hot' i'm not 100% sure i'm no expert just commenting on what i see) when you say you hit them with 'solutions' what did you hit them with??


I'm growing an autoflower strain aswell in that crap soil...man try and get rid of that soil...honestly i'll be yeilding about a cone or 2 if i'm lucky.....my autoflower is around 4 weeks old ...any perlite through the mix at all to help aerate the soil? in one of ya pics i can see a huge ass rock/piece of bark ontop of the pot....the roots would struggle to get past that especially the autoflowers... i learnt this the hard way :(


sorta looks like over watering/damping off? i could be wrong whats ya ph of the water before you water them and the run off out of cuirosity? just in your first pic those leafs 'clawing' down like that is normally over watering? someone please correct me if i'm wrong


Edit...Just thinking then if you hit them with various solutions maybe you could of locked out the ph somewhere??? I use rhizotonic as a root stimulant and once adding that it shoots my ph up into the high 8 low 9's, if it was me ..i'd top up those pots with soil......they will grow out roots from where you bury the stem up to...are they 1.25 litre coke bottles cut in half? one of them half full i reckon those roots would be struggling to move around??


best of luck mate enjoy the learning curve :)

Edited by havik_racing
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Mate just saw ya medium Waspcock...............seedling mix............if i had a dollar for everytime that shit has burnt hell outta some ones seedlings.

Use something like rockwool cubes or coco , even jiffy pots to get started, they cheap as shit, and will get the job done properly.

Imo, dont buy anymore seeds until ya sit down and do ya homework properly, rushed half arsed attempts always end badly.

Best of luck for next round. peace. Nibbler.

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Hiya there Waspcock :peace: Seems to be a few of us in the same boat here w/our seedlings and the dreaded POTTING MIX. lol Man, i was distraught when my 2 snesni skunk seedlings did very much the same thing Waspy. There's a few photos of the ones that fell over in my grow diary-they didn't make it but I pretty much followed what you have been doing-too much love when they looked a little stressed. All the above comments apply I think. Do you have some more beans? I'd get em cracking. My fried ones looked like they could make it but I fucked around with them too much. I've been trying to grow simply (K.I.S.S.) with my next two. Next beans cracked will be going into Nutrifield coco straight up. it presents with way less variable than potting mixes or soils we buy. I do have an itch one day to grow a 10ft sativa stealthily in my backyard though lol ramble. I have been:


Watering 50-75ml every 2 days-this seedling mix seems to hang on to a bit of water


2ml /.liter Rhizotonic


ph of h20 and rhizo = 6.5


ph soil 6.5


If you can test your soil ph and get that sorted through flushing with ph'd water or one of the cannaversity soil ammendments (I think there is dolomit/lime to raise ph and sulphur/acid to lower it. Don't just do it though! I got too happy and rushed too much and it went a bit haywire. Get more opinions if you can. I'm very new to growing and there are many more on these boards wayy more experiencdd and qualified in giving expert advice. For mine I would crack 4 more and try to nurse your babies back-there was a point mine would have come back but I fucked w/em too much. KISS.


I hope you can rescue a couple Waspy- we all should remember what this situation feels like-it hurts but we learn.


good on ya Waspcock and keep at it. Peace to you. v :sun:

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Good luck Wasp...i've been having the same dramas it's my first grow too...we all make the same mistakes. The people commenting here have all been generous with their advice to me and I would listen to their recommendations. You would laugh at my mistakes...i'm about 6 weeks in and got through some minor dramas early on but this weekend I put them in a plastic greenhouse from Bunnings, I thought this would be good for them and rest my electricity bill...first of all the shelf they were on fell apart and the plants spilled all over the place then when I re-potted they cooked up a treat, the temp in there was up near 40 and they frazzled, i realised too late but think mine are just about salvageable... everyone makes mistakes. Good luck with the next go and you never know these may make it...less water has been good for me and an EC meter changed everything, i started getting my pH right and EC and they loved it (EC meter off ebay $15). Planted in coco and using Canna nutes A+B available from hydroponics shops ($50) don't read the directions on the bottle just go by what the EC meter says, aim for 130 and ph 5.5 for inside grow window sill/lights. I'm a real novice but these things worked for me. Peace. AF
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