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Legalisation of Ecstacy and Cannabis. Northern Territory

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Doctors' call to legalise cannabis


NICOLE MILLS | September 13th, 2012




A haul of cannabis in NT Police custody. Picture:


THE Territory could become the first jurisdiction to legalise cannabis after a renewed push from a peak health body.

Australian Medical Association NT president Dr Peter Beaumont called for the decriminalisation of cannabis and ecstasy to be trialled in the NT.

"We definitely have to do something different to limit the damage caused to people because of these drugs," he said. "There's a lot of evidence that (decriminalisation) could help."

His comments came after thinktank Australia21 released a report recommending governments supplied drugs to users.

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"Cannabis prohibition has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with money, power, control, markets and the politics of fear.Criminals and government (these days one in the same it seems) love prohibition."



The report says Australia would be better placed to help people with drug problems if they got rid of the illegal trade.

It also recommended diverting money from law enforcement to social treatments and safe injecting rooms.

But Dr Beaumont said the plan relied on health resources that the Territory did not have.

"The model depends on decriminalising ecstasy and cannabis and having an alternative method of supply," he said.

"And having a system for people to come off these drugs.

"There just aren't the resources available in the Territory to do that."


Follow us on Facebook and TwitterDr Beaumont said cannabis had been linked to depression and suicide.

He called on governments to do a "closed controlled trial".

"If it's proven to be beneficial, then roll it out," he said.

Dr Beaumont said cannabis had been linked to depression and suicide and those risks would also have to be considered.


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Seriously, its got me beat when we have one Govt. organisation (NCPIC) whose goal is to prevent and eliminate use of Cannabis,


whilst at the same time we have the Australian Medical Association NT president Dr Peter Beaumont calling for the decriminalisation of cannabis and ecstasy to be trialled in the NT.


surely the NCPIC is an utter waste of taxpayers money and we should all tell our local members of Parliment that we want the NCPIC closed down and taxes spent in a more beneficial way,


in such ways as for the decriminalisation of cannabis to be trialled.



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