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Thanks for the tip MT, btw I was looking through your perpetual grow the other day.. nice work!! :egyptdance: In haste I have already bent/knuckled and tied my 2 bigger girls down, which cover a greater space now so I'm pretty happy.


Hey Merl1n, If you haven't noticed by now I'm sponging everything I can from this site and everyone on it :yahoo: but once I know a bit more I'll be giving plenty back to first timers. I've come to learn what you're saying, some knowledge is only applicable to your certian situation.. sounds like that guy laying the blame was a dick anyways.. probably deserved it lol.


Cheers Brick, interesting vid.. old stoner dude knows his stuff.


I've got a question and a concern here guys.. My question is, can foliar feeding result in mold? My concern is, on the 2 bigger plants I have just tied down, the new growth of the leaves are thin, and curled over, looking spider like.. which I guess leads to another question :twiddle:

Would this be because they are bigger therefor hungrier than the 2 smaller girls? I fed them last night, and they still haven't perked up or thickened. I don't think it is stress related because I noticed it before I tied them down..


Here's a pic.. Sorry about the lines


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Hi again

Are you using any growth stimulants, boosters or anything like that. That sort of growth I've seen before and Ive seen that the plant can recover from it, especially at 3-4wks of 12/12.

Now what size pots are you in? Billo could also be on the money with root problems. If the roots have no space and get stressed, it will start to effect your top growth

Personally I don't like to spray my girls once they go 12/12. I did, with straight tap water, once and had an explosion of mould. Now at the time I didn't have perfect ventilation, there were areas of still air around the buds and the mould florished. With all the fans I use now there is no still air but I still wouldnt be spraying the bud. One mould explosion is one too many. I ain't doing that again DOH!!


And as far as I'm concerned 'sponge' me for all the info you want. If you can learn from my cockups at least they were of value to someone. God knows they cost me, well most of them. But hey I sure as hell learnt from them lol



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Thanks Billo, just when I thought I was on easy street :doh:


How's it going Merl1n? No growth stimulants here, just using the coco A+B nutrients, nothing else at all.

I'm in 50L pots, you said not to muck around and risk it so I went big.. but I did keep these girls in veg for close to 8 weeks.. could be a contributing factor?

Yeah I was really sketchy on spraying them, glad I never now.. does bud mould spread? Or just fuck up the buds it's on?

Haha, yeah thanks man, you're failures haven't been for nothing, take comfort in that fact :yahoo:

So if this is a root stress issue, to diagnose do I just check the bottom of the pots to see if roots are leaking through? Is the only soloution to this problem bigger pots?


Thanks everyone. Jane :sdj:

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Hi MJ,

Easy Street, Ha you wish. Don't we all want Easy street. There is no such place, more like Challenge Ave that if worked right can lead to Success Road. lol lol

Good to hear no stimulants, PGR's have a tendancy to cause some wierd growth especially when ya first go 12/12 for about the first month or so. With stimulants being ruled out, Billo's advice is on the money.

Good to hear you're using 50ltr pots, 8wks in veg could easily be a contributing factor. One of the oldtimers explained it to me that your root growth is equivalent to your green growth so if you turned your plant upside down and crammed the growth into the pot that is about the size of your root mass, now add the amount of coco you use on top of that and there aint a lot of room, eh?? Now with mine, I use a twin pot set up, a pot inside another pot and I have previously lifted the top pot out and ripped the root mat out of the lower pot, it does stress the plant out a bit and the roots dont like direct sunlight.So if you're gonna do it do so inside under a fluro or normal light globe not in the room with HPS or MH, thats if you can. As Ive said before it is a pain in the arse to do this with a SCROG. It takes a bit of that 'experimenting' I was talking about to get it right, but if you cut your veg time down you can 'manage' the root growth to alleviate such problems. This also helps with blockages and floods.

As for the mould, yes it spreads. Mould produces spores which float in the air and with your fans, blows it thru the room. Thats why I said "a mould explosion" it wasn't one bud but many, not all, but many. This is one reason that ventilation and air flow are of paramount importance.



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Haha yeah what was I thinking? I better go get a map and a fucking compass to navigate my way from Struggle Town to this Challenge Ave you're on about :unknw:

What's PGR stand for? Good to know though.

Shit man, if your old timer is right then it's a wonder those pots haven't exploded yet lol. My pot is in another pot too, so thanks for that little tip, I'll go as easy as I can on them.

Yeah veg time is something I will be more conscience of next time around, it wasn't really an intentional 8 week period, had that ph problem for a while, so I didn't want to flip them when they weren't in decent nic.

That sounds nasty as, I hope I don't have to deal with mould, I'll be putting in another oscillating fan next pay day.. along with the one already in there, and the 6" centrifugal drawing out, think it'll be safe? Temps haven't been to bad considering the time of year, and there's never direct moisture in my grow room.

So what is the cure to my problem? Bigger pots? Trimming roots back? I'll check em out just before 8 tonight and report back in.. because I have no life and I just chill with my plants every weekend :yahoo:



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