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Growing Hydro Outdoor?

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Thanks for the link there, (whew, lotsa info in there... hee hee...) but we don't generally point people off site to answer their questions if possible, particularly not to competitive forums. Just letting you know mate. Check out the community guidelines at the top of the page and you'll get a good idea about what's cool here. ;) lol


In answer to the question, all of the above. If you don't have a balance of all of the essentials to grow, it will simply not go further.


For instance, if you give a plant oodles and oodles of light, but don't at the same time ramp up it's nutrients to match, and instead keep it fed at the same rate as you would a less intensively lighted plant, then it just won't perform as well as it could... It might do better than the other, sure, but it won't do as good as it should under such circumstances. And in fact, it may reach a point where it can't utilise more light anyway as it's not got the essential building blocks to undertake photosynthesis at such rates. This is a limiting factor on the plants.


So yeah, if you have to get big plants quickly, I'd say grow from clones, and give em all the essentials of life. Good water, good aeration, good ventilation/air exchange, good light levels, good temps and good soil/food. When one or more of these is at the less than ideal levels, it will affect them all, ya know?


Oh, and you say you can grow all year round, well, that's not necessarily true, for although the temps may be high, the photoperiods in the north of the country, (I'm assuming this is where you are, I may be completely wrong here.) are nowhere near as dramatic in change from season to season. i.e. There is less difference between daylight hours in summer and winter the closer to the equator you get. This means that photoperiod dependent plants can become confused if they are more accustomed to comparitively long light periods under indoor or southern outdoor cultivation, and are transferred and grown in areas where the normal photoperiod difference isn't much more than a couple hours either way, perhaps even less.


There are many strains suited to these conditions outdoors tho, and you'll want to look for those which are bred and created for environments similar to your own. I can't say for certain where that is, but other growers in your area may have a better idea about what strains are suitable for your general spot in the country. ;)


Anyway, hope all that helps mate, you'll find that cannabis is a pretty tough little plant when you get right down to it, stick it in a feild and give it some water, decent soil and some poo and it'll just take off like no tomorrow. ;) In fact, that can be a problem sometimes... ;) take it easy TYO84

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thx for the infor, i am kinda pissed right now, and i am unsure what to do, the wind kinda kicked up a little bit, and my 3 week old plants snapped, the steam is still in tact though, but the plant was completly on its side when i saw. I cut a 1 litter bottle cut some holes in it, and placed it around the plant, hopefully this will help and the plant will make it, also i took a little bit of soil and put it around the little girl and i had to push down a little to insure the plant would stay upright, sould i feed it anything?


Thx- Jason

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