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Growing Hydro Outdoor?

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Is it possible to grow hydroponically outdoor. That way i can take lights, fan, off my supply list. I was thinking about taking a 5 gallon bucket, attactting a pump at the bottem and running a hose to a ""water source" i am not sure on what to use yet, cuz i am planning on having this in woods, there very close to my house and its sucure. The spot also will have enough sun light. At the top of the bucket i am going to make a top, out of something, ply wood, anything... and place a 1 foot diameter, and 1 inch deep pot. Then drill holes in the bottom of the pot, I dont know how many or how wide because i dont know how the roots will take to it. and advice would help.. Also ill need to know nut. intake.


The Weather here is 25 C for a HIGh and around 19 for a low,

I need to know how to keep the water at a constant temp, and what temp is good for these conditions..


any advice would really help- I just want to get out of the soil and go for water, my problem is, it has to be down outdoor..


thx, jason

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Okay ... it is possible to grow hydro outdoors but most hydro systems need constant air being pumped into the nutrient solution or the roots will drown and if you are planning to use hydro outdoors you need to make all the containers light proof so it dont promote algae growth.


~ peace

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It is possible to grow hydro outdoors but you will still be governed by the seasons so you would need to wait until the start of the outdoor grow season. Personally I wouldn't bother with outdoor hydro but I would suggest you look into DWC (Deep Water Culture or "bubblers") as it would probably be the easiest to keep the bugs out of. lol Edited by Tom
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well over all, i am going to stick with my first choice, and stick to soil, Well i have a good place good soil and all that shit, plus were i am planting i am going to INSURE good drainage. PLus i was thinking if i layed rocks down on top of the soil to insure that moisture is been held in good... Plus if it doesnt rain for a while, i want to constider that too... For a while ill be able to moniter itm, but after 2 months i am leaving soo...


Right now i am wondering on how to produce good bud. Is it the nuts..

feeding it good.. or is it sunlight.


i read a lot of mentheds of curing but i am still a little confused on that too.


Cheers lol

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