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Sick of destruction


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I've always had a passion for nature, and I have become sick of seeing it destroyed for our benefit, Luckily i work in a industry where i have access to free seedlings off native plants to our area, and have been doing some of my own re-vegetation works. Something which i think has set this off is seeing where i used to play as a kid, destroyed to make way for housing developments. I will share a couple of pictures below of what it once was, and what it has become..




All but one were chopped down and destroyed..




As you can see the tree was standing alone up to a few weeks ago, i planted around 40 plants all up incuding Acacia species, saw tooth banksias, grasses, mana gums just to name a few, hopefully in a year or so time i can come back and see how much it has grown.


I'm going to continue doing this for as long as i can, my vision is to have some of the natural world still left in our towns before we lose it all.


I will use this thread to share more pictures of any revegetation works i do if people are interested.

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yeah well i guess i better start with ..i work in the arborist scene..granted some may not like us ,but we have a job to do ..


i think you will find most of the "trees" we remove are introduced weeds long overgrown,that some one thought looked pretty...

these "trees" quickly choke out our natives,witch yes we ,from time to time remove aswell..although id rather do a remedial prune ,or canopy reduction,depending what the problem is..


i dont agree with clearing land ,just to leave a single tree..and has made that gum a very dangerous backyard feature for some unlucky bugger..

the fact its been sheltered ,and supported by the rest ..only to be on its own now, at maturety,leaves it open to a big fail.


your planting may be to late ..the damage may have been done,i hope not ,but props anyway

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Hey i love the enviroment but what was the situation with those trees.


Were they logged legitimatly for timber or were they just cut down for no reason ie a housing subdivision. If the later thats poor, if the former i fully suport if replanted. We need more timber to be planted so our rapidly growing country can use more of it to build our houses , heat our houses, provide shelter for both our livestock and and our native critters and a million other reasons including the one i cant beleive they dont do like wood fired power stations. Totally renewable energy.

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