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they look quite nice :) quite strechy though what sort of light do you have them under? if its just a fluro or cfl id suggest maybe moving it a little closer


Thanks Hed yeah i have let them strech for a bit more hight when i get them out and about and as Dopedogg said u can just transplant them deeper to cover the stem and it can also help by not having to water so much, im weeding out the males now i have got 4 so far but i think that will be all the males i get from my crosses and the rest of the seeds im cracking are Fem. Thanks for the advise but and keep Rollin it.... :pimp:

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Gday fellow growers ill reply to everyone then update what im upto anyway,

Thanks dopedogg a ten pounder would be very nice but we will see and just to let u no i ran a few of my crosses last season and they went great just hope these turn out just as good or better ill be in-breeding them and ill send some testers out for trial but thats a little away at the moment....all the best cheers.


Hey there Smashed 1 thanks for the good vibes brother all the best for the season keep rollin.....


Thanks Creptalion K im happy with the order sorry very happy some of the tips, i have been thinking of trying Bonza but im impressed with attitude i have not received an order as quick and with such good stock....


Hi indoorcultiv8r yes they are attitude seeds why are u surprised...? i have to agree there seeds are second to none all of them are beautiful and u will get ur wish im growing most of the strains in this grow so we should get to see how they perform....? All the best for the season mate Keep Rollin and Bong on.....


Hello Allotropy thank you very much for your input its great, but i have put alot of thought into this grow all the strains i have selected are Indica/sativa hybrids and have been selected for mold resistance, pest resistance and yeild/size in mind, im also using fencing wire for support and to train them to bush out. Well i hope you have a good season thaks for the support cheers Keep Rolling and Bong on.....


Alright now i finally got the seeds in to soak last night they have been in for about 24 hour maybe an hour or two more i have not checked them yet ill leave it till in the morning just to give them a bit more time, i got a photo when i first put them in.

I have not had a chance to take up to date photos of my crosses they are starting to show pre-flowers i have been weeding the males out i only got 4 and im pritty sure the rest are girl just give them another week or so and ill be able to tell 100% but most males show first so i should be righ, im keeping one of the males that is most like the mother and father in looks and smell so i can inbreed and improve the seed stock so more will be like there mother and father anyway here is the photo of the seeds going in not much but its something ill get some pics of my crosses up in the next couple days....post-42381-0-17784600-1349017530_thumb.jpg

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Hey everyone just a quick update all the beans had cracked in 24 hours appart for the Mataro Blue but she cracked by 48 hours i have already transplanted into pots and all of them are pushing through or already through the top of the soil ill take pics in a couple days when they are a bit bigger lol i have all the lables done aswell ill put updated pics of my crosses then aswell have a good one and keep Rollin it.......
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Hey there sorry i have not up dated for awhile i had bad luck with my first lot of seedlings all cracked and sprouted but silly me used old hydro rock in the soil mix and it was contaminated they all dropped over two to three nights im pritty sure it was wilt fungus but im back on track got a heap cracked all are my own and other mates crosses of filth ill post up to date picks soon im only just getting them in a little later than planned i have the plot all set i have a 7500ltr pump running of solar pumping 10 mins a day to all the plant sites cant wait ill get picks up in a couple weeks max thanks for being patient to see my show thanks for the support......


Peace and Pot

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