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Hydro and depression!

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I have done quite a bit of research into this topic, and theres a lot of bullshit out there. I did it for myself, to understand cannabis's effect on me.


And Pegz, I was referring to your statement about people with certain mental illnesses shouldn't smoke high THC strains.... which is crap.


And also that the plants of today are higher THC... bollocks.. those landraces that ALL strains come from have always been here, nothing has changed.

Only thing changed is that people crossed ones from different parts of the world.

And to be honest THC is not the only factor in the 'potency' or 'effect' of the Cannabis.

People who remember the Thai sticks of the 80's know what I'm talking about. Thai strains arent that high in THC, probably around 17%-19%, but I have tripped balls on it, more than a 25% strain i grow now.


Their seems to be a link between people with 'pre-existing' conditions (known or not) . Some people have mental illness in their family, this can be hereditory, or just happen through enviroment. Some of these people don't even know they have it.


Things like psychosis and schizophrenia can be dormant in people and appear in later life, or be triggered by an episode or certain drugs.

Cannabis will not CAUSE schizophrenia, you can read all the med journals ya want, the consensus is, it doesn't cause it, but it WILL bring out what is already there.

Cannabis in some people is a trigger for this. For some people its too much alcohol, for others its an emotional trigger.


I started smoking Cannabis at 15, so not the best age to start, as Brick said 20's is better as the adolecant brain hasn't fullt developed by 15.

We didn't know these things back then, but we do now.


Peace. Nibbler.


For someone on anti-psychotic drugs, is it not a total gamble for them to smoke or ingest THC?


On the subject of potency, I don't think anyone can say for certain whether or not it's increased over the years, it's entirely possible it has but it's also possible that there exists some esoteric ultra rare landrace with 40% THC.


Aside from this the fact is stronger dope has become more available to many places:



What has changed throughout Europe and elsewhere is the appearance, from the early 1990s, of herbal cannabis grown from selected seeds by intensive indoor methods. This material, best described as domestically produced ‘sinsemilla’ (from the Spanish sin semilla—without seeds), is also known as ‘skunk’, ‘buds’ or ‘nederwiet’. Its hydroponic cultivation, with artificial control of ‘daylight’ length, propagation of female cuttings and prevention of fertilization certainly does produce cannabis with a higher potency; on average it may be twice as high as imported herbal cannabis, although the two potency distributions overlap and some samples of imported cannabis are, and have always been, of high potency. The increased THC content of herbal cannabis produced by indoor methods is a consequence of both genetic and environmental factors as well as freshness (i.e. production sites are close to the consumer and storage degradation of THC is thus avoided). There is some evidence that the potency of domestically produced sinsemilla is gradually increasing, perhaps as a result of continual improvements in technique. This product is distributed through the same networks as other cannabis products but, as indicated by the presence of home-grow shops in some European countries, consumers are also producing the drug at home.




So in general potency increased at a street level, which is another way of saying its gotten stronger over the years.




Getting back to the subject of depression, plenty of people smoke MJ to help with depression but in other cases it might fuck you up worse, I guess it depends on the individual, what they're smoking and how much, etc. Whatever the case, if more people respected the plant and the smoke there would be less problems.  :yahoo: 

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IME it has helped with my depression. I get more depressed when i'm not smoking.


but different buds have different effects too i think. Some of those really strong couchlock types mess with my head a bit if i smoke them chronically. whereas other i can smoke from morning til night and i'm fine. maybe it comes down to the ratios of CBD to THC?


Overall i feel weed has a decent medicinal effect.



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the difference between hydro and bush is you have the control in hydro (light hours, nutrients heat and humidity) weed is weed no matter how you grow it. its only as good as the strain itself and the effort you put in as for weed causing depression anything is possible in certain people its up to the person to know whats right for them i know longer drink alcohol since 2004 as it was causing me major problems it took a while to relize what it was doing i suffer from bipolar and am border line agoraphobic(dont like crowds basicly)
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fucking touch screens! and the alcohol was not making it better and the several medications although the for the best part worked i was a dead man walking a constant zombie as for the good old weed it by know meens cured me but i have good grasp on my mental unstableness and can somewhat function in society at the end of the day you are the best judge on how to deal with your problems. try and notice the different qualities in the stoonedness of your smoke and how it effects you and i not meen just how far back into the couch you sink but how clear your thoughts are how you feel the next day or two even try different dose rates or try eating thats a different hit altogether, experiment and see whats right for you grow hard or grow home whitey is puffing out
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Thanks for the great info guys, It has helped me to put things into perspective. I have smoked cannabis since I was sixteen but then 20 years later I discovered synthetic cannabis due to shortages. After having a severe addiction to synth cannabis for 12 months, I have been off it for nearly six weeks. Anixety and depresion is in my family and I haven't had any problems until the synth. My anixety levels went through the roof as I dried out and I am still having some issues.I had always used pot to self medicate keeping my anixety down otherwise I find depression seems to follow. Since I have started vaping I am noticing the different effects of the different strains noticing some strains are increasing my anixety a bit where others are chilling me out. It makes sense now why I was in a constant state of anixety on the synths, but things are getting better with the natural and trying learn more how it effects my body.

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For someone on anti-psychotic drugs, is it not a total gamble for them to smoke or ingest THC?


On the subject of potency, I don't think anyone can say for certain whether or not it's increased over the years, it's entirely possible it has but it's also possible that there exists some esoteric ultra rare landrace with 40% THC.


Aside from this the fact is stronger dope has become more available to many places:





So in general potency increased at a street level, which is another way of saying its gotten stronger over the years.




Getting back to the subject of depression, plenty of people smoke MJ to help with depression but in other cases it might fuck you up worse, I guess it depends on the individual, what they're smoking and how much, etc. Whatever the case, if more people respected the plant and the smoke there would be less problems.  :yahoo:

"For someone on anti-psychotic drugs, is it not a total gamble for them to smoke or ingest THC?"

Now where did I even say that Pegz?................... Why would I suggest someone on anti-psychotic drugs smoke Cannabis? Talking out ya arse again.



And some of us have been smoking Cannabis a long time Pegz... trust me , theres no increase in THC, it's always been there, just now we can measure it.

People who say its stronger these days really don't know shit.

And mate, takes a bit more of an understanding of the subject than ripping links down off Google.....


Thanks for the great info guys, It has helped me to put things into perspective. I have smoked cannabis since I was sixteen but then 20 years later I discovered synthetic cannabis due to shortages. After having a severe addiction to synth cannabis for 12 months, I have been off it for nearly six weeks. Anixety and depresion is in my family and I haven't had any problems until the synth. My anixety levels went through the roof as I dried out and I am still having some issues.I had always used pot to self medicate keeping my anixety down otherwise I find depression seems to follow. Since I have started vaping I am noticing the different effects of the different strains noticing some strains are increasing my anixety a bit where others are chilling me out. It makes sense now why I was in a constant state of anixety on the synths, but things are getting better with the natural and trying learn more how it effects my body.

Cheers man, your confirming a story I'm hearing time and time again. Thanks for sharing with us.

Because the synthetic version is if you like an 'abstract' version of THC, its not the same, also the lack of any CBD content is the main issue, this keeps ya mellow and relaxed.

Don't touch the synth stuff again mate, and you should be fine.

Just remember to take note of which smoko makes you feel which way, will help in the future when selecting new strains.


Peace. Nibbler.

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From the Australian NCPIC (national cannabis prevention and information centre) "what's the deal? cannabis facts for young people" information booklet....


is cannabis stronger than it used to be?


You may have heard in the media that cannabis is now much stronger, even up to 30x stronger than it used to be, and that this has caused an increase in negative side effects on cannabis users. Data collected over the last 20 yrs in the USA, Europe and New Zealand show that while the average THC content of cannabis has increased in some countries, there is enormous variation between samples....Claims that cannabis is up to 30x stronger than it used to be are not supported by the current evidence.


:peace: MongyMan

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