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Hydro and depression!

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Some real stupid info in this thread..... lol


I suffer from depression, have done for years. Its all about finding out what works for you. I find the Sativa dominant strains, great for the depression, but bad if you also suffer anxiety. For the anxiety, a more indica strain is better to mellow you out.

I dont have any strains growin under 22% THC pegz, so ya theory is crap.


What's crap? I don't get what you're saying here and I'm not talking about depression anyways.

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A lot of people are scared of "hydro" because the fact is it's lot stronger than the organically grown weed back in the 60's-70's.


But I believe the THC increase in today's weed has more to do with selective breeding, as it's very possible to grow a tree entirely outdoors that will produce 20-25% THC.


Whatever the case, weed can induce psychosis in some people, the idea that it's totally harmless is nonsense, just as is the idea that it's entirely bad for people.


I think you're spot on bud.

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First off let me say I love weed. Truly love it. Yet I think people often underestimate the dangers to try to protect it because at the other end of the spectrum there is endless propaganda about it. However, in reality  - and this is like anything really - there are some people who will react badly to it, just like some people can't eat nuts. Anyone who has a history of depression may well be toying with fire is they smoke often. After all, it sure ain't a stimulant! IMO it's a case of knowing yourself and observing your reactions to it. If smoking weed makes you depressed, or enhances your depression then you should probably stop.



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I think you're spot on bud.

Well I haven't come across any modern cannabis strains that have given me extremely vivid halucinations like some of the cannabis I smoked in the 70's. Not saying it isn't out there, I have not found it, nor grown anything like it since I started up again back in 2008.


Now having said that I will say that hydro, helped get me out of a deep hole I was dropping into after my wife died in 2006. Stronger than what I had before in the past, no way. Just a different strain.


The problem with it causing psycohsis from what I have read is that it is causing it more in young people than older smokers because a good number of us olds were not smoking cannabis when we were 12 years old. I started @ 20 so my brain had just about fully developed (some may argue that point lol). Just like alcohol and tobacco. Start too early and you will pay later down the track.

They also had limited resources to test the strength back then so it cannot really be compared to todays product. The tests were mostly to find out if it was cannabis or something else, no strength tests.

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I have done quite a bit of research into this topic, and theres a lot of bullshit out there. I did it for myself, to understand cannabis's effect on me.


And Pegz, I was referring to your statement about people with certain mental illnesses shouldn't smoke high THC strains.... which is crap.


And also that the plants of today are higher THC... bollocks.. those landraces that ALL strains come from have always been here, nothing has changed.

Only thing changed is that people crossed ones from different parts of the world.

And to be honest THC is not the only factor in the 'potency' or 'effect' of the Cannabis.

People who remember the Thai sticks of the 80's know what I'm talking about. Thai strains arent that high in THC, probably around 17%-19%, but I have tripped balls on it, more than a 25% strain i grow now.


Their seems to be a link between people with 'pre-existing' conditions (known or not) . Some people have mental illness in their family, this can be hereditory, or just happen through enviroment. Some of these people don't even know they have it.


Things like psychosis and schizophrenia can be dormant in people and appear in later life, or be triggered by an episode or certain drugs.

Cannabis will not CAUSE schizophrenia, you can read all the med journals ya want, the consensus is, it doesn't cause it, but it WILL bring out what is already there.

Cannabis in some people is a trigger for this. For some people its too much alcohol, for others its an emotional trigger.


I started smoking Cannabis at 15, so not the best age to start, as Brick said 20's is better as the adolecant brain hasn't fullt developed by 15.

We didn't know these things back then, but we do now.


Peace. Nibbler.

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There's some pretty interesting info here.


I'll just add my two cents. I have a mate who is diagnosed with chronic depression. He used to smoke until he figured out it made things worse for him. He stopped and his mood improved (but his disposition never totally changed). He started smoking again and back down he went. Then he quit and hasn't gone back.


Now I understand that's just anecdotal, not science, but it means that there are at least some individuals out there likely to experience depressive effects from MJ. As The Hash Nibbler says, this is probably as a result of the MJ bringing out a preexisting medical condition, rather than inducing it. But  at the end of the day, it's not an important distinction.

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I think the biggest point always overlooked which nibbs and people are trying to bash home si the mix of cannabinoids found within different varieties of the Cannabis genus, due to what it seems is geographical location. Nothing to do with cultivation methods, yes excessive cross breeding may have resulted in extremely vigorous growing hybrids, some phenos may show high thc levels (which as far as I know is a definitive test as to the level of cannabinoids rather a test against other test of different strains). 


So what was your mate smoking? 


Furthermore ill bring up the argument that this may be caused by PGR's found in most commercial buds, I have anectododal evidence of this making me more depressed...... Maybe the news will run with it

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