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Hydro and depression!

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I really don't think this is a fair comparison. You're not consuming tomatoes trying to stuff a few select chemicals from the product to your brain to start with. The brain and the chemicals within are where depression is. You grow hydroponically to get the best out of the plant right? The best of a tomato plant is a sweet tasting large fruit. The best of a cannabis plant is a sweet tasting, large...POTENT....bud.


I'm thinking that the original poster is probably referring to the general impression that hydro is stronger than bush. Or, that hydro bought dealer weed is often poorly flushed and very chemically. I definitely concur on this one.


If any of you guys disagree, you've been growg your own for too long and haven't been subjected to the under ripe, under cured, wet, chemical tasting dealer weed that is rampant in Australia.


Hydro grown properly......sure it'd be similar, but in my experience there is no way it's the same as outdoor which has had a full natural cycle.


But I don't think properly grown, flushed and cured hydro is any worse than bush. Just a little different.


All this is based off my experience over the last 10 years.


I can't even remember the start of this thread whatever, think it was something to do with OP thinking hydro is far stronger tahn outdoor when in fact it is exactly the same. Now you will find people that will contaminate their buds both indoor and outdoor with chemicals that is due to prohibition mate!!!


Anyway only difference i can see with the two crops if they are grow properly is the outdoor crop could potentially have different turpines etc as the sun has a far wider light spectrum than acheivable inside

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I can't even remember the start of this thread whatever, think it was something to do with OP thinking hydro is far stronger tahn outdoor when in fact it is exactly the same. Now you will find people that will contaminate their buds both indoor and outdoor with chemicals that is due to prohibition mate!!!


Anyway only difference i can see with the two crops if they are grow properly is the outdoor crop could potentially have different turpines etc as the sun has a far wider light spectrum than acheivable inside


The OP asked if hydro was any worse to treat depression.


I would say home grown hydro where you know it's grown right is ok. Dealer weed, at least in my experience in Aus is grown purely for profit (of course) and any and all corners are cut to increase weight.....and for the OPs situation should probably be avoided. Wheras my experience with bush weed is, I've had crap, and I've had absolutely awesome gear.....either way I don't wake up 'bentover' as my circle of friends describe it.....a hangover from weed that often occurs from dealer hydro.


Of course I've only dealt with a handful of dealers in my time and may be a large generalisation to make. But I'm going out on a limb here to say its pretty consistent throughout the country. It's the reason I'm here learning how to grow.

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Of course I've only dealt with a handful of dealers in my time and may be a large generalisation to make. But I'm going out on a limb here to say its pretty consistent throughout the country. It's the reason I'm here learning how to grow.


Again to be perfectly honest we don't know OP's situation, he could have adverse reactions to cannabis with high thc levels who knows....

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I really don't think this is a fair comparison. You're not consuming tomatoes trying to stuff a few select chemicals from the product to your brain to start with. The brain and the chemicals within are where depression is. You grow hydroponically to get the best out of the plant right? The best of a tomato plant is a sweet tasting large fruit. The best of a cannabis plant is a sweet tasting, large...POTENT....bud.


I'm thinking that the original poster is probably referring to the general impression that hydro is stronger than bush. Or, that hydro bought dealer weed is often poorly flushed and very chemically. I definitely concur on this one.


If any of you guys disagree, you've been growg your own for too long and haven't been subjected to the under ripe, under cured, wet, chemical tasting dealer weed that is rampant in Australia.


Hydro grown properly......sure it'd be similar, but in my experience there is no way it's the same as outdoor which has had a full natural cycle.


But I don't think properly grown, flushed and cured hydro is any worse than bush. Just a little different.


All this is based off my experience over the last 10 years.


Ok, but what are you comparing it to?


Are you talking about some potent hybrid strain you bought off somebody (which you assumed was indoors), compared to some shitty old sativa strain that you also bought off somebody (which you assumed was outdoors)?


Or are you refering to a strain you actually grew indoors and then comparing it to the same strain that was grown outdoors?


In my experience everyone always just assumes that bud that is well manicured and covered in trichomes must be “hydro” and bud that lacks trichomes and is leafy must be “bush”. I know I’ve had aguments with quite a few people, who just look at some bud that’s covered in nice trichomes and are convinced it’s hydro, when I know for a fact that it was grown outdoors (partiqularly europeans for some reason). It doesn’t matter what you say to them, there convinced that good weed must be “hydro”.


Growing hydroponically probably gives you larger buds with smaller root space. But the potency of the high is pretty much all in the genetics. Like wise with tomatoes, you can obviously get bigger tomatos using a smaller space hydroponically, but the taste and nutritional value of the tomatoes is mostly in the genetics.


If any of you guys disagree, you've been growg your own for too long and haven't been subjected to the under ripe, under cured, wet, chemical tasting dealer weed that is rampant in Australia.


I don’t see how bud like that would be worse for depression, isn’t it just be more likely to give ya a headache? Besides, I’ve bought my fair share of crappy bud before, but most of the commercial cannabis I buy in the eastern suburbs of melbourne is actually quite good, but I obtain it from my old school mates who have lived in the area there whole life and have good connections. Most of the weed I recently obtained in northern QLD was nothing short than suprerb, nothing like a potent sativa. Maybe you just need better connections dude. Thats just my experience.



But having said all that, if you think cannabis is making you depressed, then I'd seriously advise you give it a rest for a while.



Edited by jabez
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I understand what you're saying and you're probably right. The fact is the history of dealer weed, at least for me, is a black hole in most cases.


However I have a mate that grows awesome weed, both hydro and bush once in a blue moon who I can get from as a comparison. I've seen his setup and assisted in grows so I had a fair idea for those. All other bush I've smoked I've known the guy very well, was grown buy a novice, wasn't looked after and wasn't as strong as the dealer gear.


I've also just spent 2 months in North America. A month in Toronto smoking some sweet weed...didn't know its pedigree


A month in Santa Monica with a medical marijuana license also. Here I spent far too much money on sampling as many different strains and styles of consumption as possible. Dispensaries clearly label where the plant is from, what it is, how it was grown etc. I wish I could get that stuff here.


I'm comparing the shitty weed I get in Brisbane against probably the best buds in the world, grown professionally.


I don't suffer from depression, however I can end up feeling pretty down after a big session on shifty weed. I understand better connections get better gear, but you get what you're given off who you know in most cases. Ido the odd trip to Nimbin and had some great (advertised) bush from there. In all honesty my experience probably has more to do with different strains etc than a different grow method.


But......my way of thinking in this isn't uncommon. We all draw conclusions on our experiences, as I have done. However I'm not ignorant or naive enough to not allow changing my mind given information from those in the know. My point is, in my experience which is mine a mine alone, buying the weed on hand (told its hydro, who knows) from a dealer made me feel like shit. Weed grown with care (and love?) by someone who is passionate about it made me feel great.


So yeah, the times I've had bush probably coincides with it being grown by a guy I know and trust.


Not trying to say anyone else is right or wrong.....just sharing my experiences.


Good luck to the OP.

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What do you class as hydro weed.


A plant that is fed a nute under a light in a medium in side?


A plant grew inside under a light in soil feed water only?


A plant grew out side in a hydro medium fed hydro nutes but using the sun as your lighting?


Bush and hydro they are the same plant one in side one out.


A plant out doors in the ground the sec u feed it a hydro nute dose that mean it is hydro now not "bush buds" as they say?

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hydro just means growing in a soilless medium


as for weed and depression my wife suffers from it very bad due to on going illness and i also have it, we both have our good and bad days not sure if it makes us better or worse but nothing like pulling a few big ass cones when ya down n going bed early n starting fresh the next day.


she is on meds for it as was i but i stop i self medicate with alchol and pot lol which im sure aint the right way to go but hey the pills i have been given i feel fuck me up worse.

Personally i believe it will help some but hurt others, i tend to feel more down when im outa cash and have no weed so i fix that buy growing, full bowl of weed, beer in the fridge a good movie and a few eckys here n there usually makes me forget about my mood lol

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I'm 55 been smoking since 1972. I've been suffering from depression, for about 10yrs . I love my smoko , but I cannot smoke good hyg or bush, if I do, I suffer bad depression for a week or so .

I rarely smoke at all these days , but miss it badly

What I'm trying to say is pot can cause depression but u have to have the DNA for it to happen. Or just smoke a lot of it.

Just before I stopped I was smoking about 5 to 7 grms a day. I have always grown my own & still do I love it , but just can't smoke it anymore.

I know this is an old thread but I had to have my say

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I'm 55 been smoking since 1972. I've been suffering from depression, for about 10yrs . I love my smoko , but I cannot smoke good hyg or bush, if I do, I suffer bad depression for a week or so .

I rarely smoke at all these days , but miss it badly

What I'm trying to say is pot can cause depression but u have to have the DNA for it to happen. Or just smoke a lot of it.

Just before I stopped I was smoking about 5 to 7 grms a day. I have always grown my own & still do I love it , but just can't smoke it anymore.

I know this is an old thread but I had to have my say

Hey there Swamp403,


Dont quote me on this but i think people can get different reactions to smoking pot,this is due to the different cannabinoids present in the particular strain. And also the age of your pot can effect these ratios of cannabinoids therebye having a different effect on the brain chemistry etc etc. Lots of CBN can be present if its been stored for a while, and this would cause me the paranoia that can come with smoking. Worth looking into if the herb used to help you. Might try start in the research section of this forum possibly?



Edited by peterdpiper
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