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Strains for adhd



Just found out I have ADHD after years of trying to find something for sleep, stress and muscle relaxation just a few major things I want to treat as part of my condition myself.. Not a fan of pills as not good for kidneys and the last thing they gave me was Valium! Hmmm no way! I can go to a doc for a referral with no probs after speaking with an adult ADHD specialist in Sydney " only support group in AU ".. My prob is I don't want to take the pills they give you as they can make you a zombie. I have seen what it all does first hand and wouldn't be surprised if it did more damage than good.. My brother was diagnosed early with ADHD and autism. Anyone got any advise on strains? I like the energy during the day and I can correct behavior myself.. I like the energy I have and some traits can be a good thing! I just want something to calm me down at night before bed so I can sleep and also relieve stress "some things get a bit much that my head feels like it is going to explode daily if I don't smoke " take my chill pill" at night "This is not addiction! It is my treatment, I can go without a smoke if I am tired I don't need to".. So far the best treatment and I'm finding I'm not so stressed during the day and can go about most of the day pretty good beside the stress at work sometimes.. But I can deal with a few hours or a few hicucups.. Since giving up tobacco YAY! Cold turkey 4 months ago which I was a heavy smoker I use pot to calm me down n don't need that hit of nic all the time. Feel great now and starting to feel normal which I haven't felt for a long time! Any suggestions on strains for stress/sleep/anxiety? Separate strains if I can so I can treat them seperately or all together would be great! This is Definately a great forum and lots of great help and people to talk to, Thanks guys :)
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Sativa's for add/adhd - using the same premiss as pharmaceuticals i.e. amphetamine to slow you down and let you concentrate

I did a quick google search and found many recommendations, but you'll need to figure out what is best for you the hard way, trial and error.


I am currently using maui wowie to increase my focus... while not perfect it kinda works (wouldn't recommend tho)




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Good luck and please share any news you can find here-I am looking for a strain for ADHD for a family member and mania for myself as well. It goes without saying that exercise or being more physically tiried at bedtime does help to some extent...but I am sure you knew this already.


Again, good luck, m8 and as I am just starting my search this year after a very positive experience w 'street' pot...I continue my search and research. Yes, it is medicine and I long for the day we won't be made to feel like a criminal.





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