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Lady Gaga smokes spliff on stage, calls for cannabis to be legalised

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After being the centre of attention at London Fashion week, making her face into a small garden with a flower-headpiece that had to be seen to be believed, Lady Gaga has found herself on the front pages again after puffing on a spliff onstage in Amsterdam


Gaga told the audience she was in the “appropriate place” to talk about her belief that cannabis should be legalised. 


“I want you to know it has totally changed my life,” the New York pop superstar told her audience at the Ziggo Dome Amsterdam.

“It has been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music.”


Gaga picked up the ready-rolled marijuana joint off the stage where a generous fan has thrown it. She had some difficulty opening the package but then immediately lit up and smoked it openly whilst sitting on the stage with her fellow performers.


Cannabis is mostly legalised in the Dutch city, and Gaga took the opportunity to tell her fans about the drug’s medical benefits, how it has helped her curb her drinking and why she thinks it should be legalised around the world, too. 


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Read more: Lady Gaga smokes spliff on stage, calls for cannabis to be legalised - TNT Magazine



19th Sep 2012 9:35am | By Editor


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