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Colloidal Silver who's used it ?

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Hey all, I've been doing some reading up on 'colloidal silver' as i wouldn't mind stocking up on some seeds for those rainy days and to save some $$ :) , seems pretty straight foward to make, 2 pure silver coins, 9v dc power source 2 wires and distilled water.... I'm just wondering if anyone has made there own and had success? does it work like they say?


Just abit curious as i think i was reading somewhere on a yank forum someone sprayed one of there autos with colloidal silver and got over 300+seeds from 1 part of the plant

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Yes mate i've used it, works brilliantly!!! i have enough feminised seeds to last me untill i die. i used a tiny silver ingot ( cost around $10.00) and an old phone charger and some distilled water, left it to run for a couple of days then started spraying a couple of lower branches of one plant in the tent, i first thought that i had killed the plant as it curls up and looks pretty sick, i was spraying it twice a day for a couple of weeks then all of a sudden there was male flowers covering the two branches, i made a mistake and left the flowering branches in the tent too long, i thought it would be safe as there is no fan in there to distribute the pollen but i didn't think about the exhaust fan and it sucked pollen all up the left side of the tent and pollinated 3 plants, full on seeded the suckers, i have bloody thousands of feminised seeds. when i realised what was heppening i carefully removed the two branches with the male flowers and dried them out and put them in a coffee grinder so now i have enough polen to last forever.. Let me know if you need any more info, i was planning on doing a thread on the process but forgot to take any pics, the plants that seeded are still growing, probably have a week or so to go so if anyone wants a pic of the seeded buds just say..

Give it a go mate, easy as!!



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Hi Mate, not sure what the power supply i used was from originally but it is 9 volt 600ma DC, i tried a couple before settling on this one, a 30 volt supply from a printer i found seemed to work a bit fast and pretty much metled the silver and i ended up with a grey solution with silver scum floating on top, the 9 volt one i let run for 48 hours and couldn't get a ppm reading above about 15 which i didn't think would work but obviously did as the 2 branches i sprayed were totally covered in male flowers, looks weird with a fluffy female bit right on the end but very good quality pollen, give it a go mate, you'll be amazed how simple it is, from when i started spraying which was about a week before changing to 12/12 it only took about 3 weeks to get flowers forming.



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From what i have read it seems you need 99.9% silver, i actually bought some silver wire off a jeweller on ebay and it was supposed to be 99.9 but i found that it was giving me a really murky solution, very grey colour so i ordered one of the 99.999% tiny ingots and cut it into two pieces and tried that and got a really nice almost clear solution and that's the one i ended up using, the wire may have been fine also but it just didn't look right..

I tried to take some pics of the seeded buds but out of about 30 photos only a couple were worth uploading, if you look hard you can see that the bud is full of seeds, sorry i can't do better, pretty crappy camera.





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You can just buy colloidal silver from a lot of chemists, it’s usually in the supplements and herbal remedies section. It’d be far less expensive than making it, unless you already had the equipment.


Yep your right but the PPMS of the colloidal pharmacies sell is intended for human consumption, It's less than 100ppms i beleive which is not enough i think you need 120+, Did you actually have a win using phrmacie colloidal silver? please let me know if you did as i would be interested to try it

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